【看新聞學英語】中國貿易逆差擴大 因為出口下降



China’s Trade Deficit Widens as Export Falls


By Jessie Chen, David Lee


1. trade deficit: [tred] [ˋdɛfɪsɪt]ph. A negative balance of trade, i.e. imports exceed exports. 貿易逆差

2. widen: [ˋwaɪdn]v. to make or become damp擴大

3. dampen: [ˋdæmpən]v. to make damp抑制、挫阻

4. total: [ˋtot!] v. to reach a total of; amount of 合計、總計

5. release: [rɪˋlis] v. allow (news or information) to be made known 發行、發表

6. indicator: [ˋɪndə͵ketɚ] n. something that provides an indication, esp of trends指標

7. worsen: [ˋwɝsn] v. to grow or cause to grow worse使惡化

8. exceed: [ɪkˋsid]v. to surpass others超過

9. raw material: [rɔ] [məˋtɪrɪəl] ph material before being processed原料.

10. trade surplus: [tred] [ˋsɝpləs] ph. A positive of trade, i.e. exports exceed imports貿易順差

11. experience: [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] v. to have experience of; meet with; undergo;經歷

12. stall: [stɔl]v. to delay or put off托延

China’s trade deficit hit $31.49 billion in February as exports were dampened by the Eurozone debt crisis and a slow recovery of the U.S. economy.


China’s exports totaled $114.47 billion in February, while imports totaled $145.96 billion. The trade deficit is the difference between the imports and exports, which gives $31.49 billion.


The data, release last week by the General Administration of Customs, is a key indicator of global economic growth.


The former deputy minister of commerce of China, Wei Jianguo, said that China may face an increasing deficit this year.


[Wei Jianguo, Former Deputy Minister of Commerce]:

“China is facing a worsening trade deficit this year. In 2011, China recorded three months where imports exceeded exports, and in 2012, perhaps more than three months will record a trade deficit.”


China’s demand for imported raw material, such as crude oil, iron-ore and copper, was very strong last month.


In an AFP article, economic analysts say that China is still likely to enjoy a trade surplus for 2012.


China often experiences a monthly trade deficit early in the year because the Chinese lunar New Year stalls exports.


本則影音新聞出處:新唐人電視台英語新聞 http://goo.gl/AJmHw

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw


1. The data is a key indicator of global economic growth.


2. China may face an increasing deficit this year.


3. China’s demand for imported raw material was very strong last month.

