【禁聞】中共再拋「雷鋒」 遭嘲諷
















The CCP’s Move to Advocate Lei Feng’s Story Again is Ridiculed

March 5th, 2012 is the 50th anniversary of the death of Lei Feng,

whose figure was an elaborate creation of the CCP as a propaganda tool.

Recently, many “Learn from Lei Feng” events were announced

pompously one after another by local governments, schools and media in mainland China.

Analysis points out that its ridiculous to watch the CCP once

again trying to use the cliché of Lei Feng propaganda to save their crumbling dictatorship.

In recent years, the truth that Lei Feng was a fake model,

carefully crafted by the CCP to brainwash the Chinese, has been revealed.

Chinese people reacted sharply to the truth, and many

had strong criticism of the CCP and its propaganda tool.

However, right before March 5th, the so-called “Learn from

Lei Feng” anniversary, the CCP again beat the Lei Feng drum.

The CCTV is making special programs about Lei Feng,

a large photograph exhibition of Lei Feng will be held in Beijing,

the People’s daily featured a special page about Lei Feng,

and some local governments are calling for students to “continue with Lei Feng’s diary”.

A registered accountant from Beijing, Du Yanlin, said that in

the Internet era, its a folly for the CCP authority to engage in this series of “Lei Feng” events.

(Du Yanlin): “Behind the figure of Lei Feng is a series of CCP’s

lies to meet its need for propaganda.

It’s fake.

On the other hand, those post-90s or even younger

generations won’t be deceived by Lei Feng.

This is nothing but a foolish move on the CCP authority and its

education department’s part.

Since there’s no better tool to rely on, they can only carry out

such foolish propaganda in an ignorant way.”

A law professor from Southeast University, Zhang Zanning said

the only purpose of all these elaborate “Lei Feng events” is to brainwash Chinese people and turn them into tamed tools.

Zhang Zanning: “(The CCP said) everything should be subject

to the CCP central committee’s decisions; no independent opinions, no independent personalities.

The CCP wants to tame everyone as its tools.

That is why the CCP wants Chinese people to ‘Learn from

Lei Feng’.

Lei Feng himself is a tool controlled by the CCP.

This is probably an attempt to save its ramshackle regime by

pushing those ‘Learn from Lei Feng’ events.”

It has been on the Internet that the so-called “Lei Feng Spirit”

highlighted by the CCP is false.

The CCP had advocated that Lei Feng didn’t care for fame or

money, and helped others without leaving his name.

However the fact is that the “good stories” of Lei Feng had

mostly been recorded either in photos, diaries, or thank you letters.

Furthermore, during his military life as short as 32 months,

Lei Feng’s income totaled more than 1100 yuan.

But he had made many personal donations, from tens to

hundreds of yuan.

Despite his thrifty image, it was found that he owned an

Enicar watch, leather shoes, leather jackets and woolen fabric trousers, which were all luxuries at that time.

A recent survey of young netizens showed that 54.64% said

they wouldn’t notice the Lei Feng anniversary without being

reminded, and 24% thought that the “Lei Feng Spirit” was


Du Yanlin said that the “Lei Feng” propaganda to deceive

current Chinese people is laughable, which suggest that the CCP has run out of available tools.

(Du Yanlin): “In a society without humanity, trust, and a legal

system, you can no longer deceive people with the so-called ‘Lei Feng Spirit’ or illusionary ‘Communism’.

Such propaganda is stupid, which only tells us that the CCP is

in a hopeless situation.”

Du also remarked that since the moral system has been

completely destroyed in China, making up models to change people’s minds is no use.

The only solution is to respect human rights and encourage

humanity, fundamental moral rules, and universal values.

If these are denied, any ism or theory won’t ever help

improve the situation.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Yun and Sun Ning
