【禁聞】江派釋處理薄王方案 胡溫未必買賬

















Jiang’s Group Disposes of Bo and Wang, but Hu and Wen Might Not Agree

The incident of Chongqing Vice Mayor Wang Lijun’s fleeing

to the U.S. Consulate for asylum continues to simmer.

Many western media refer it as a"political scandal."

Currenly Bo Xilai is in a precarious situation.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Central Commission for

Discipline Inspection has started a full investigation of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai’s corrupt conduct.

How will the CCP dispose of Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun has

attracted attention from overseas.

This incident has heated up the CCP’s senior

officials’ power struggle.

According to boxun.com, the nine CCP Politburo Standing

Committee members and Jiang Zemin reached a consensus agreement

to investigate Bo and Wang, and provide an explanation

as soon as possible to the outside world,

hoping to have a result during the “two sessions" in March.

Accordingly Wang is being investigated for his so-called

attempt to “defect” by entering the U.S. Consulate.

Columbia University Ph.D. in political science Wang Juntao

said the differences of the CCP leadership,

are not about whether to investigate, but about how to

dispose of Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun.

Wang Juntao: “Wang Lijun has come this far.

None of the nine Standing Committee members and

Jiang Zemin can refuse to investigate.

Wang Lijun claims he escaped to report Bo Xilai and to

avoid being killed by Bo. They must investigate.

Wang’s escape to U.S. Consulate has

forced them to investigate.”

Columbia University Ph.D. in political science Li Tianxiao

hasindicated that as a CCP senior official’s descendant,

the scale of Bo Xilai’s corruption is much larger than that of

Chen Liangyu and Chen Xitong.

This is the largest corruption case in CCP history,

and will have a very far-reaching impact.

Li Tianxiao: “Bo Xilai’s issue is directly with Zhou Yongkang,

who carries out the policy of repression.

Such as on the issues of the June 4th incident and the

persecution of Falun Gong.

Zhou thinks Bo Xilai is the best candidate to take up

his position and to adhere to his policy of repression."

According to boxun.com, the upcoming CCP leader Xi

Jinping will not be like Jiang Zemin who punished the former

Beijing party secretary Chen Xitong, nor will he deal with the

former Shanghai party secretary Chen Liangyu like Hu Jintao.

It is estimated that the worst result for Bo Xilai will be

the end of his political life.

While it is inevitable that Wang Lijun shall be held

criminally liable.

According to external analysis, this is how Jiang’s team wants

to dispose of Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun.

They will attempt to throw out the soldier to protect themselves,

and will not pursue Bo Xilai’s corruption crimes.

However, Hu Jitao and Wen Jiabao will not necessarily

agree on this.

Li Tianxiao: “There are at least three forces against Bo Xilai.

Firstly there are Hu and Wen, who demoted him to the remote

area in the southwest. They do not want him back.

During Bo’s so-called “anti-underground" movement,

he offended many CCP senior officials’ descendants in the “Li Zhuang Case.”

In addition, some of the CCP senior veterans, such as Qiao Shi,

are not happy with Bo Xilai or his father.”

Wen Jiabao said recently, that “He will not delay anything

during the last year of his reign.”

It shows that Hu and Wen want to charge forward at the

end of their reign.

U.S. George Mason University professor Zhang Tianliang

pointed out that, with Jiang Zemin severely sick and dying,

his team retiring from the CCP Politburo Standing Committee

during the 18th CCP Congress, and each of them having

serious corruption issues.

The three major generals Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Li Jinai,

have recently expressed support for Hu Jintao’s authority.

Jiang’s team has lost its power.

Zhang Tianliang: “There is a link in the recent announcements

of the two Central Military Committee vice chairmen.

On February 2, Wang Lijun was exempt from his position

as head of the Public Security Bureau.

I think Jintao has prepared for this.

If that is the case, it is impossible for him not to

shoot the arrow out.

I think there is a large possibility that Bo Xilai

will step down.

If he cannot step down, he will end up in prison.

External analysis points out that how to dispose of Bo Xilai

and Wang Lijun is affecting various factions of the CCP.

It is difficult to turn this into a minor event.

Also, the unruly Bo Xilai may fight back.

So any future developments are unpredictable.

The Chongqing events have brought important variables

to the CCP and its 18th Congress’ power reshuffle.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Li Yue
