【禁聞】胡錦濤升「軟實力」 學者指收效微

















Huge Chinese Regime Investment on Soft Power Gains Little.

The Chinese regime’s official journal “Seeking the Truth”

published an article by President Hu Jintao.

In it, he emphasizes the importance of “cultural soft power.”

He also criticized that “international hostile forces are

stepping up to westernize China."

Meanwhile, several officials Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) media are expanding rapidly in New York.

Some scholars believe that for all its efforts, the CCP has had

a limited return on its investment on increasing soft power.

It can’t rally any support if it uses the methods of an autocratic

regime, against universal values of freedom and democracy.

In the CCP official journal “Seeking the Truth”, Hu Jintao

gave a warning.

“It’s very critical to fully understand the importance and

complexity of the battles in the field of ideology”.

“Whoever dominates cultural development has the super soft

power, and gains initiative in fierce international competition.”

Joseph Nye, renowned Harvard University professor,

originally proposed the concept of “soft power”.

Recently Joseph published an article in New York Times with

the title “Why China Is Weak on Soft Power”.

Joseph thinks Hu was essentially saying that China was under

assault by Western soft power, needing to fight back”

The fact that several CCP Media are expanding in NYC

confirms the point made by Joseph Nye.

In 2011, 30 staff from “Xinhua News Agency” established an

office on Broadway Street.

The company logo of “Xinhua News Agency” is lit up on

the video screen in Time Square.

“Wall Street Journal" disclosed that the English Version

of “China Daily” is also expanding.

CCTV is planning to recruit 62 more reporters in New York

and all over the United States.

In addition, “Finance Magazine” also landed in NY.

It is expecting to increase the reporting on the subjects of

trade surplus, exchange rates and New York Stock Exchange.

Xia Ming, Political Science Professor at the City University

of New York commented.

“China Communist Party only tries to enforce its own culture,

but isolates itself from the global culture.

Therefore, its relationship with global culture is not a positive

interaction, but a hostile confrontation.

Practically, the 『soft power』 of the CCP cannot go far.”

Joseph Nye also believes that for all its efforts, China has had

a limited return on its investment.

What China does not seem to appreciate is that using culture

and narrative to create soft power is not easy when they are inconsistent with domestic realities,

such as the crackdown in Tibet and Xinjiang, and

on human rights activists. This undercuts its soft power gains.

Writer Gordon Chang (Zhang Jiadun) highlights another point.

The CCP is destined to fail in it’s huge investment to expand

it’s media in New York in order to improve it’s soft power.

Gordon Chang: “What they try to do is to convey their own

message so as to cut off propagation freedom and democracy.

Thus, they are maintaining their autocratic regime.

They try to influence people’s point of view. With a huge

amount of investment, the gains are little.

Gordon Chang also said that it’s totally wrong if Hu thinks

foreign culture puts China at risk.

The real problem is the autocratic regime of the CCP.

Because the autocratic regime cannot get people’s support,

all issues are becoming sensitive.

The threats on the regime come from all directions.

Xia Ming believes that soft power is the power from culture

that can rally people’s support.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,

Communist ideology has already proved it can’t succeed.

Xia Ming: “Until now the CCP still tries to find a way out

from Marxism-Leninism and communism.

It still doesn’t want to give up these rigid ideologies.

When they use the dogmatism of Marxism-Leninism against

universal values, they are not able to gain any support.

At the end of his article, Joseph Nye also said that the way

the CCP tries to increase its soft power isn’t effective.

For example, compared with how Asian countries seek

American presence to balance China,

Canada and Mexico do not seek alliances with China

to balance American power.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Mingfei and Wang Mingyu
