【禁聞】躋身十八大汪洋拋新招 農民工換號















Changing Title of “Migrant Worker": Guangdong Party Secretary’s New Tactic.

Wang Yang, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Secretary of

Guangdong suggests changing the title of migrant worker.

However, migrant workers believe, just changing the title

has little real significance.

Analysts believe China should remove the separation policy

between rural and city areas.

There is a need to fundamentally stop discrimination against

migrant workers.

It’s believed the “migrant worker name change" is a new

tactic in preparation for the 18th People’s Congress.

As the Guangdong Wukan incident reached an end,

many mainland and foreign media discussed Wang Yang’s

role in the incident,

and believe this will help him to become a member of

the Politburo Standing Committee.

However, Hong Kong media revealed the Wukan incident

affected the power struggle between CCP central leaders.

Wang Yang is probing the road for Xi Jinping and

Li Keqiang.

An Apple Daily article regarding the Wukan incident said,

Wang Yang’s decision will influence event developments.

From Wukan villagers protest, to possible future revenge,

to the faceoff between officials and residents.

Wang Yang seems to be swinging from side to side. He is

obviously affected by the CCP internal battle.

This will not only affect whether Wang Yang can enter the

Politburo Standing Committee.

It will also influence how Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang handle

social unrest in the future.

As the 18th People’s Congress draws closer, Wang Yang

made a statement to an an assembly of Guangdong officials.

Guangdong will remove the title of “migrant worker”, and

strengthen management of external workers.

Liu Kaiming, Director of Modern Social Monitoring Institute

commented onWang Yang;s new tactic.

The key is not the name, but fundamentally changing the

identity of migrant workers.

It doesn’t mean anything to just take away the title.

Liu Kaiming, “The ‘migrant’part is their identity; ‘worker’is

their profession.

If China still maintains the separation of cities and rural

registration system, this title reflects their current status."

Liu Kaiming expressed that removing this title completely

is to discard the separate registration system.

Removing a discriminating system classifying one’s political

and social rights by their place of birth; that is meaningful.

Liu Kaiming, “We want every citizen to freely move around in

China, to work in Guangdong.

To have their kids go to school here, and to access the

social resources of Medicare.

To have living and educational support here, then

the title of migrant workers will naturally go away."

“Migrant Worker" is a product of the separate registration

system between rural areas and cities.

It means “worker with rural registration who works in cities."

They are the fundamental building block of cities.

However, under the separate registration system, migrant

workers have low income and poor living standards.

They have very limited social benefits. At the same time,

this creates conflicts between local and migrant workers.

During June of 2011, migrant workers from Sizhuan went

on protest in Guangdong Zhengchen.

Media believe the protest revealed the unfair treatment of

migrant workers.

This was a slap in the face for Wang Yang’s slogan of

“Happy Guangdong."

Migrant worker, “To accept us workers on paper, that’s a

change on paper, but isn’t our identity still a migrant worker? It’s all superficial."

It』s believed “migrant worker name change" is Wang Yang’s

new tactic in preparation for the 18th People’s Congress.

NTD Reporters Chen Han, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu.
