

【新唐人2011年7月14日訊】欣聞美國參議院兩黨共同提案支持中國民眾的退黨大潮,要求停止迫害法輪功。議案特別指出, 中國的退黨運動激勵了九千萬(90,000,000)中國民眾公開宣布退出曾加入過的共產黨及其附屬組織,希望美國支持退黨義工和退黨人士們為爭取恢復中國歷史與文化、追求一個公平與開放的政府,和自由的人民、以及建立一個崇尚道德的社會的一切和平努力。

全球退黨服務中心對此提案表示熱烈祝賀。認為這有助於以美國領導的國際自由社會了解法輪功修煉者在推動波瀾壯闊的三退大潮根本作用, 自覺參與到在全球消除共產主義的共同使命。這一提案,將極大地鼓舞中國人民反思自己和清除共產主義的影響,更加勇敢努力去擺脫中共暴政,最終贏得自由。中國民眾退出中共,解體中共的偉大事業,一定會得到更多國際社會的支持。



(English Version)

The Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP Applauds the US Senate for proposing Resolution 232 Supporting the Tuidang Movement and Calling on the Chinese Regime to End the Persecution of Falun Gong

We are very pleased to see that the efforts of senators on both sides of the aisle has materialized into the proposed US Senate Resolution 232 supporting the Tuidang movement and asking for an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong. The Resolution specifically states that “the Tuidang movement has encouraged as many as 90 million people to publicly renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates since 2004.” It also expresses “support for volunteers and participants of the Tuidang movement for their peaceful efforts to reclaim Chinese history and culture, and for their pursuit of a fair and open government, a free people, and a society rooted in the practice of virtue.”

The Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP cordially congratulates the US Senate for the proposed Resolution. To the free world led and represented by the United States, this Resolution will be instrumental in providing them an insight into the significance of the Tuidang movement, which has been propelled mostly by Falun Gong practitioners. This Resolution will be inspirational to people with freedom to join force in completing the mission of eliminating communism. This Resolution will encourage Chinese people to further reflect on their thoughts and erase CCP’s brainwash from their minds. With this Resolution, we believe the international community will pay more attention and provide more support for the divine endeavour of disintegrating the CCP.

Without the CCP, a true China will be revived. Without the CCP, the human society will welcome the renaissance of universal values​​. Without the CCP, the world will definitely be a better place.

Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP

July 14, 2011
