【禁聞】黨騎在國家頭上拉屎 郭蓋造新字




郭蓋解釋,這個字念「 Duo」,普通話發音與奪權的「奪」同音。他還笑著告訴記者,曾經有一個村婦看明白了這個字。村婦說「這個字的意思,就是黨騎在國家的頭上拉屎!」







還有,在遊人如鯽的北京 798藝術區,以諷刺毛澤東聞名的藝術家高氏兄弟。他們的雕塑作品《下跪懺悔的毛》相片在網上被廣泛轉貼,引發討論,不過他們在大陸網站開設的博客遭到終止。

此外, 7月1號,在中共第一次黨大會召開地浙江嘉興南湖,有13位藝術家計劃舉行「沉船」行為藝術,暗喻中共成立 90週年將覆滅。


被揶揄、冒犯的中共,用關押、拘留去對待這些藝術家。郭蓋今年 3月因網上報導「茉莉花行為藝術展」被公安拘留了將近一個月。而高氏兄弟1989年因聯署公開信,呼籲鄧小平釋放魏京生,被當局禁止出國長達 14年。另外,表演“沉船”的80後藝術家郭珍明表示,他們一行 13人還沒表演,當天就在嘉興被公安帶走,之後被強行送返原居地。


Party Shits on the Nation?

Place the simplified character of “party" on top of the simplified character of “nation". What character can you get? This is the art created by Beijing-based artist Guo Gai. What does this new character signify? Let’s take a look at this interesting new Chinese character.

How to pronounce this new character combining the characters of “party” and “nation”? In Changping District of Beijing, artist Guo Gai questioned a correspondent from Hong Kong’s Apple Daily.

Guo explained that the word reads “Duo", which has the same pronunciation in Mandarin as “seize” in “to seize power”. He told the reporter smilingly that a peasant woman understood its meaning upon seeing the character. She said, “It is the (Communist) Party shitting when riding on top of the nation!"

Human rights activist Zhang Jianping: “China is a party-state. The party is above the nation, the people and the constitution. It wants to lead all.

Guo is one of the many avant-garde artists in Beijing. Two of his art pieces are thought-inspiring. One is of the “new character” created by himself. The other is a sculpture titled “crossing”. The body of a waving woman and Mao Zedong’s head are standing on the back of a turtle with the engraving TTEE. The turtle also has a head of Mao Zedong. The two heads are towards opposite directions, implying that it is unknown where they are going.

Guo hopes that these works can make people think about the party and the state.

Anti-communist activist Chen Kai: Strictly speaking, a government does not exist in China. China only has a party dynasty. In this dynasty, the entire administration of justice, the so-called judicial, police, military and admin bodies, companies and even religious institutions all serve the party’s interests. In the Chinese temples and religious places, there are even party cells.

Recently, there is a trend for the Chinese artists to use arts to tease the Communist party.

In March 2011, a group of artists in Beijing held a performance art show called “Sensitive Areas". One of the works is called “Extreme Nervousness”. The performer was bound by jasmines, alluding to the authorities’ fear of “Jasmine Revolution Rallies.”

Also, in the busy 798 Art District in Beijing, there are the artists Gao Brothers They are famous for their satirical works of Mao Zedong. Photos of their sculpture “The Kneeling and Repenting Mao" have been widely circulating online, sparking discussions. However, their Chinese blog was forced to shut down.

On July 1, on South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, where the first Communist Party (CCP) Congress was held, 13 artists plan to perform an art piece “Shipwreck",

implying that on its 90th anniversary, the CCP will be destroyed.

China democracy advocate Qin Yongmin: After the CCP seized power, they followed the example of the Soviet Union and built a regime, in which the party was set above the nation. We all have clearly seen the trend towards democracy in the entire world. All political parties can only represent their own interests, not the interests of a nation. If a political party wants to represent the country’s interests, then it must threaten this country.

The ridiculed and offended Communist Party uses arrests and detentions to punish these artists. Guo was detained by police for nearly a month in March, for reporting online the “Jasmine Performance Art Exhibit". In 1989, the Gao Brothers wrote a joint open letter to Deng Xiaoping, calling for the release of Wei Jingsheng. As a result, they were prohibited from going abroad by the authorities for 14 years. According to one of the 13 artists of “Shipwreck", Guo Zhenming, before they could perform, they were taken away by the police.

NTD reporters Dai Jing,Li Jing and Zhou Tian
