【禁聞】紅色公園夭折 傳與江澤民死訊有關














Chongqing City authorities announced plans to build

a “Red Theme Park" in Nanchuan.

They held a formal signing ceremony on July 5.

However, two days later the plan was aborted,

which caused some people to suspect that it might

have something to do Jiang Zemin』s rumored death.

On July 5, Nanchuan District, Chongqing City said

it would invest $386.5 million to build a Red Theme Park,

taking up 316 acres. But on July 7, state media reported that

the plan was aborted with the excuse that

“Chongqing Publicity and Culture Department concluded that,

the park should not be built in Nanchuan, Chongqing."

From the start, the Red Theme Park plan was criticized.

Some netizens referred to it as a “self-flattery project."

The Guangzhou-based South Weekend newspaper said

the project was both “costly and meaningless."

Although the Nanchuan authorities claimed that

“funds for the project came from private enterprises,"

South Weekend pointed out that whenever authorities

are questioned about a suspicious investment that they make,

the authorities will resort to the excuse:

“The government is not among the investors,"

which doesn』t mean that “the government is not directly involved."

Very often, authorities will design, plan, and head a commercial

project, using public funds, so that they invest administratively.

Some netizens said: “This is the result of singing red songs.

What people are afraid of all takes place," and

“Mow the authorities are using people』s money

to build monuments for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),"

and “The Party』s prestige should be built in people』s hearts,

not on the ground!" and “Another self-flattery project.

Why not use the $386.5 million to build houses for people,

which can truly make them appreciate the CCP?!"

A resident in Nanchuan, Chongqing told The Epoch Times:

“Power and water are frequently shut off in Chongqing City;

huge chimneys produce smoke everyday, causing air pollution,

and roads are extremely crowded. These basic problems haven』t

been solved yet, so why build the Red Park?

Does the city truly have too much money to spend?

Please take care of people』s daily necessities, first!"

It is currently close to 104 ° F in Chongqing,

but the water supply has been cut off for over 10 days, now.

On July 5, thousands of residents blocked the streets,

demanding that the authorities solve the city』s problems.

Chongqing』s “dream of a Red Park" was aborted in three days.

An article,"How Many other 『Theme Parks』 should be Stopped,"

stated: “Many local governments are competing with each other

to build 『theme parks』 and cannot be stopped,

because these projects are closely related to the local economies,

the GDP, and the officials』 performance.

However, these theme parks can hardly improve anyone』s life."

Besides giving a round of applause and shouting “Bravo,"

netizens also connect the abandonment of these Red parks

with the news of Jiang Zemin』s rumored death, while others

believe that “it is due to a power struggle within the CCP."

As Jiang didn』t attend the CCP』s anniversary events on July 1,

some say that he is dead; some say that he is gravely ill,

and some say that he is brain-dead.

Some netizens believe that Bo Xilai suddenly stopped the

Red Theme Park project because “his backer [Jiang Zemin]

is critically ill and therefore he has to restrain himself."

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Xiao Yu.
