【禁聞】爆炸月! 大陸10天6起爆炸事件
















May 2011: Explosion Month

“May is a month of explosions!" 6 in 10 days were

recorded, including Chengdu Bus Group, Sichuan,

and Zibo chemical plant in Shandong.

Some were result of production safety issues,

but others were due to peoples’ dissatisfaction

with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This shocked people in China and the CCP.

On May 28, a violent explosion occurred in an office

of a bus maintenance shop in Sichuan Province,

which was doubted to be cause by explosives,

and killed one, injuring two.

The first ambulance personnel arrived,

and claimed to have smelt gunpowder on site,

so they did not rule out that the incident may

have involved a bomb

Many netizens posted photos of smoke in the bus,

and did on-site coverage.

Major websites put it as headline news.

Sichuan TV news channel broadcast it live,

but was stopped in the afternoon.

Web site reports and microblogs were deleted.

“Chengdu bus" has become a sensitive word.

Pu Fei, Chengdu activists: “Since the establishment

of the CCP, such events had never stopped.

Similar things happen yearly, now we have blogs,

so these are learned by more.

In the current high-pressure situation and maintenance

of stability, as well as unfairness in judicial enforcement,

explosions are not rare.

As long as the judiciary is not independent,

this resentment will exist and can not be avoided. “

China’s official censoring aroused more questions.

Some fear society will become more turbulent.

Netizens believe the explosion may be conflicts among

bus companies, or the effect of the bombing in Fuzhou.

One netizen said on a microblog:

“If the relationship between officers and people

can not be mediated, everyone is a bomb."

On May 26, 5 consecutive explosions occurred

at Fuzhou Municipal Procuratorate, Jiangxi Province,

Linchuan governmental buildings, Food and Drug

Administration, government archives building,

and other government sites. Mainland official media

said explosions caused 2 deaths and 6 injuries.

Witnesses said at least 18 people were killed.

Suspect Qian Mingqi posted an article in a forum,

revealing that his legally-built new house

was forcibly destroyed, causing significant losses.

His 10-year petition results in nothing.

Qian Mingqi wrote in his microblog,

“He petitioned for 10 years, and the two elder ones of

the eight plaintiffs had passed away,

without any results when they died.

I did not want to wait until then, or to be a second

Qian Yunhui and Xu Wu in Wenzhou.

I will use my deeds to rid the people of an evil."

Yao Lifa, Hubei Province activist:"China’ petitioners

as a group, their demands are not heard,

their rights and interests are not protected.

Their anger had gone to the extreme.

Their way of revenge is relatively restraint,

but still is very dangerous.

China’s system of “one government – two houses,"

the government and the courts with prosecutors,

has reached a very dangerous state.”

Around 9 p.m. on May 28, an explosion occurred

in a workshop of Baoyuan Chemical Corporation ,

located in Tangshan, Shandong Province.

It lead to 2 deaths and 9 injuries, being investigated.

Along with polishing dust causing the explosion

in the Foxconn plant in Chengdu, the explosion

of a bus when refueling with natural gas in Harbin,

Heilongjiang Province, the explosion in Baoji

Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant in Shaanxi Province,

six explosions occurred within just 10 days in China.

Some netizens believe these series of explosions

show poor CCP’s management of different sectors,

leading to continual accidents. Instability reaches

extremes in China, with CCP not addressing them

but blocking the news instead, making it worse.

NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Li Lu.
