【禁聞】中共公開三峽工程不良後果 民譁然















TGP’s “Future Benefits”

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s State Council

recently published the adverse effects

of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) on social,

ecological, geological and other aspects.

This caused uproar at home and abroad.

For 20 years CCP carried out high-profile praises

for the TGP, why is now releasing negative facts?

Mainland media recently reported

on the “Three Gorges Follow-up Plan"

and “The Yangtze River Mid and Lower Reaches

Water Pollution Prevention Plan",

passed by the State Council. For the first time,

the CCP publicly admitted urgent problems caused

by the TGP in stabilizing immigrants,

environmental protection, disasters prevention, etc.

The project had also impacted shipping, irrigation

and water supply of the mid and low ranges

of the Yantz River. The news has a shocking effect

to people at home and abroad.

The CCP has always been caring out a high-profile

praises for the TGP, since it was launched in 1992.

On December 14,94, at its Launching ceremony,

then Chinese Premier Li Peng made a speech titled

“Present Achievements with Future Benefits".

On November 8,97, CCP officials attended

the river cut-off celebration in a large scale.

In 2005, CCP authorities built next to the dam

“The Three Gorges Patriotic Education Foundation

of Chinese Patriotic Engineering Association".

Why does the CCP now suddenly start to admit

to the public the many adverse effects of the TGP?

General engineer Fan Xiao of the Sichuan’

Bureau of Geology and Minerals believes,

that the ecological, geological and social problems

of the TGP are too severe to be hidden any longer.

Fang Xiao: “During the past three years’ tests

of a 175 (km) water reserve, many more problems

were exposed. The drought of mid and lower reaches

of the Yangtze River this year is very prominent,

and it is closely related to the water reserve

of the Three Gorges Reservoir.

Many problems cannot be avoided."

At present, mid and lower reaches of Yangtze River

are experiencing a rare 50 year drought.

82 million people in Hunan Province are impacted.

Parts of China’s largest freshwater lake,

Boyan Lake, are dry down to the bottom.

Some early rice crops of Dongting Lake area died.

Water depth is less than 3 m. in most areas of the

Yangtze River Dolphin National Conservation Area

in Hubei Province, and dolphins lie on the sand.

The TGP was funded by the Three Gorges Fund,

collected from people’s extra electricity payment.

After the TGP is completed, the income

from power generation will only belong

to the Three Gorges Electric Power Company Ltd.

Wang Weiluo, a renown engineering expert,

living in Germany now, pointed out

that the authorities published the adverse effects

of the project to collect more money from the public.

Wang Weiluo:“A conservative estimate

to complete everything planned is RMB170 billion.

The State Council needs a reason

to ask people for so much money!

What is ruling China now is one thing – money!”

Wang Weiluo reminds the Chinese people

to pay attention and distinguish between:

“The Three Gorges Project Follow-Up Plan" and

“The Three Gorges Follow-Up Plan",

which shows the authorities’ intention to lead

people’s thinking towards the Three Gorges area,

so all Chinese people can pay for the adverse effects.

Renowned water expert and former professor

at Tsinghua, Huang Wanli wrote many letters

to the CCP authorities at the early stage of TGP,

stating clearly various reasons why this project

should not be launched, considering the geological,

environmental, ecological, defense, etc. aspects.

In 1992, Prof. Huang Wanli wrote in his first letter:

“In a natural geographical environment,

the objective conditions of river plate

and issues of economy do not allow a government,

respecting science and democracy,

to carry out such a disastrous project.

If built, it will eventually have to be blown up."

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Wang Ming Yu
