【禁聞】川省長來臺遭抗議 安保圍攻林保華












Protest Against Sichuan Governor in Taiwan

Sichuan Governor Jiang Jufeng and his subordinates

came to Taiwan on May 21 for a 7-day business visit.

He met with a local civic protest on May 23,

while hosting a forum in Yuanshan Restaurant.

Protestors conflicted with the restaurant staff

when Taiwan political critic Lin Baohua

was beaten by securities during a dispute.

On May 23, the Taiwan Rights League For China

and anticommunist’ Youth Group booked a room

for a press conference at Yuanshan Restaurant

to protest against Jiang Jufeng group

for his persecution of human rights and to call on

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to free Ai Weiwei.

Lin Baohua’s wife, Yang Yueqing told NTD,

that Yuanshan Restaurant cancelled the conference

in a short notice and then conflicts started to occur.

Yang Yueqing: “We booked a room long time ago

for a press conference. They said,

that we were ill-concerned and refused the booking.

We then argued and my husband was dragged out

by a group of them and beaten down.”

Yueqing said her husband is recovering, still in bed.

Lin Baohua is a scholar on CCP history,

a senior reporter and a political critic.

He published many times in critical journals

against CCP, unveiling its wickedness.

Yueqing speculated that there were CCP people

manipulating this conflict behind the scene.

Yueqing: “I don’t believe they’re Yuanshan staff,

since they were never like this. In my experience,

they are far from that. This is only CCP’s behavior.”

Taiwan Legislature approved last year the proposal

to refuse entry to Taiwan of CCP’s official Gao Gan,

who committed human rights violations.

Then 12 more Taiwan regions passed the proposal.

Previous visitors sued in Taiwan for that include

Huang Huaha (Guangdong Governor),

Zhao Yongzheng (Shanxi Governor),

Wang Zuoan (Director of Religions) and

Yang Song (Hubei Vice secretary and a 610 officer),

In March, due to rights violation entry was refused

to the governor of Aiwei, Wang Sanyun.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Zhou Xinyi
