














據BBC報導,中共社科院農村所社會問題研究中心主任於建嶸表示,現在的中國社會有太多的 「敏感」事情、「敏感」人物、「敏感」話題和「敏感」時期。目前,中國社會民怨極大,官民矛盾尖銳,但當局以「維穩壓倒一切」的做法來打壓民眾的利益訴求。





目前,在《大紀元》網站上退出共產黨、共青團、少先隊的人數超過95,200,000 人。藍述說,通過退黨的一個儀式,中共黨員們的生命就會有一個改變,黨性慢慢的消減,人性的一面漸漸流露,這也是很多退黨人士的真實體驗。


Why Power Turns CCP Leaders Bad

Chinese experts note that many people were not bad

before they became Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

officials. But once they assumed a Party position and

were given certain powers,

their character became progressively worse.

How so? Let’s take a look.

This year is the 100th anniversary

of the Xinhai Revolution, which has brought

China’s past and present, sharply into focus.

Recently, a large number of dissidents were arrested

or disappeared in China.

The human rights condition, under the CCP’s rule

is deteriorating at a fast pace.

Hu Ping, Chief Editor of Beijing Spring, brought up

the question, “Why did the Communist officials

become so bad once they got into power?”

Hu Ping: “Artist, Ai Weiwei, suddenly disappeared.

The CCP leaders know that this is illegal.

It’s wrong to cover a person’s head with a black hood.

and abduct him. Can they pretend to not know this?

How can they turn a deaf ear to this?

How can they sleep at night?

We should really think about this issue.

Those CCP officials used to live in ordinary society.

They used to live among us.

They really weren’t that bad, back then.”

Hu Ping used to study in Beijing University.

Chinese leaders, like Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao,

Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang were students of his time.

Some were even his school mates.

As students, they were not bad people.

Yet, once they became Communist officials,

they started committing very bad deeds.

Hu Ping believes that some officials simply adopt

a “look-the-other-way” attitude

towards the evil surrounding them.

Hu Ping: “Some people in the world

live their lives as one big compromise.

Party officials are part of a corrupt system.

If they decide to make waves and buck the system,

they will be ostracized and kicked out.

Some officials are dead against

some of the CCP policies, such as cracking down

on political dissidents and Falun Gong people.

But they dare not speak up against the injustice,

for they really don’t have the power to fight it.”

As a student of Tsinghua University, Hu Jintao,

enjoyed a good relationship with his classmates

and teachers, and was described as a kind gentleman.

During the Cultural Revolution, his father, Hu Jingzhi,

was persecuted and killed.

Since then, Hu has never gone back

to his hometown of Tai County in Jiangsu Province.

The controversial Premier Wen Jiabao,

was once thought of as a good student

with high grades, and a caring heart.

He defied the CCP and published articles

in People’s Daily, commemorating on Hu Yaobang.

He has won the name of “People’s Premier.”

Hu Ping believes that the CCP leaders are

constrained by the current political system.

If they openly push for reform,

they worry about corrupt officials opposing them.

However, Hu Ping still believes that

the current CCP leaders, at the highest level,

are totally responsible for China’s ongoing problems.

Hu Ping: “Now they are in the highest position.

They can’t blame everything on their predecessors.

They have the opportunity to reform the country.

In Mao’s time or Deng’s time, the senior

or heavy-handed officials might stop them

from reforming. But these people are all dead now.

The current leaders can’t blame anyone but themselves.”

Current affair commentator, Lan Shu, said,

“CCP officials are human beings.

They, too, have human nature.

Yet, what they show is a strong Party nature.”

Lan Shu: “Once human nature has a conflict with

Party nature, the human nature side of a person

is subdued by the Party nature side

CCP’s history is full of such examples.

In a conflict between human nature and Party nature,

one has to make the Party’s interest a priority.

The more power a CCP official has, the more

the Party will require him to maintain its interest.

Hence, the more an official will oppose the people.”

Yu Jianrong, Director of Social Issues Research Center

in the Rural Development Institute,

at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said,

that China now has too many “sensitive issues,”

“sensitive people,” “sensitive subjects,”

and “sensitive days.” The conflicts between officials

and the people are fierce.

But the authorities use “maintaining stability”

as an excuse to suppress people’s calling

for basic human rights.

Hu Ping believes that CCP leaders have to

stop the suppression of human rights.

Otherwise, they will be doomed and punished.

Sixty years after WWII,

Germany still forced Nazi war criminals to stand trial.

It is evident that every evil deed done in human history,

no matter how long time ago it’s been,

has to face justice.

Lan Shu called on the senior CCP officials to

withdraw from the Party. He believes, as long as

the Communist members withdraw from the Party,

their human nature will be restored.

Lan Shu: “Once you withdraw from the CCP,

you will feel liberated and will no longer be bound

by the Party’s doctrines. Then your human nature

will naturally come out again.”

As for now, the number of people renouncing

their memberships in the different CCP organizations

has exceeded 95 million.

Lan Shu said, “When former CCP members

withdraw from the Party, it’s a liberating,

life-changing experience.

As their Party nature diminishes,

their human nature re-emerges.

For those who have withdrawn from the CCP,

this is a real, tangible experience.

NTD reporter Li Jing and Bo Ni
