【禁聞】溫家寶發高調 觸動高層利益?









近年來,在聯合國的報告中多次強調了在中國發生的,從法輪功學員身上摘取器官的罪惡。包括聯合國酷刑問題特派專員諾瓦克(Manfred Nowak)提交給聯合國人權理事會的報告;還有,聯合國宗教信仰自由特派專員阿斯瑪•賈漢吉爾(Asma Jahangir),以及聯合國禁止酷刑委員會的報告。





Wen Jiabao Irritated High-Rank CCP Officials?

China’s Communist Party (CCP) Premier Wen Jiabao

made high-profile comments on China’s degenerated

social morality before the 18th people’s congress.

What Wen said was seemingly different from what

the CCP has emphasized. What political intentions

did Wen’s comments carry? Let’s look at the report.

Wen has been “grumbling"lately about recent incidents

of tainted milk powder, lean meat powder, recovered

oil and colored steam bun. He heartbrokenly said

China’s on the verge of morality decline and emphasized

on creating an environment for people to speak truly.

Chen Pokong (Political Critic): “Wen talked about

political reforms without actions. He was like an actor

speak loudly but do slowly. He’s an actor, a performer.

He seemed to plan to do something before his term ends.

Web suspended national nuclear program with

nuclear safety inspections when international attentions

drawn to China after Japan"s nuclear explosion.

Chen: China’s trades have all been monopolized by

the CCP officials, e.g., Li Peng clan in power generation

and nuclear business, Jiang Zemin clan telecommunications.

Wen’s move was a great hit to Li Peng clan and others

who made a great profit in these trades.

On Apr. 18, the Ministry of Health web announced its

new policy to monitor human organ transplants, stating

that hospitals and doctors violating the policy will be

severely penalized. This policy equated to acknowledge

to Western accusation of China “s illegal organ trades.

Chen: “In the past, the CCP completely denied any illegal

organ trade activities in China, especially the live organ

harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

The actions by Wen seemed to heavily slap on the CCP.

The specific policy for rectification means existence of

illegal organ trades, of course including those from

the Falun Gong practitioners."

Recently, the UN reports stated several times the crimes

of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners

that happened in China, including the report by the UN

special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak and

the UN special rapporteur on religion Asma Jahangir,

as well as by the UN Committee Against Torture.

Chen:" Wen not only says something, he also intends

to do something within his authority.

What he did has created a great impact on the special

benefit groups and rendered them rather unhappy,

but they could do nothing with Wen who monopolizes

the State Council. This indicated that he has positioned

himself differently from the rest Politburo members."

The Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong commented,

although lies are filled with the CCP’s power circle,

occasionally factual remarks can still be heard,

mostly coming from retired or exiting officials.

NTD reporters Huang Lida , Li Jing and Li Lu.
