【禁聞】看中共六十年 如何對待百年清華



清華大學的前身「清華學堂」建在清朝康熙年間的皇家花園內,是1911年美國退還部分“庚子賠款”而建立起來的留美預備學校。1914年,近代著名的思想家梁啟超到清華演講,他以“天行健、君子以自強不息;地勢坤、君子以厚德載物”來激勵清華學子。從此,清華大學以“自強不息 厚德載物”這八個字為校訓。











趙明(前清華學子 法輪功學員):“幾個警察站了一圈,然後他們開始把我按到地上床板上,全身同時開始電,當時渾身不停的抖,聽著房間裡響起特別響的電棍的火花聲。還有個警察平行的用電棍用側面電我的胸,呼吸特別困難。”




CCP’s Treatment of Tsinghua University

April 24, 2011 was Tsinghua University’s (TU)

centennial anniversary. However, TU’s celebration

is being criticized by media as a “CCP’s

(Chinese Comunist Party) Committee meeting"

Prior to 1949, Tsinghua University paid attention

to traditional Chinese culture and cultivated talents.

After 1989, TU was criticized as being

“the cradle of communist officials"

for serving the CCP’s dictatorship.

It has lost its independence of thought

and universal values.

The University’s predecessor, Tsinghua Academy,

was built in Qing Dynasty in one imperial garden.

In 1911, with the Boxer Rebellion indemnity

returned by the U.S. to the Qing government,

the academy was established

as a preparatory school.

In 1914, well-known Chinese thinker Liang Qichao

made an inspiring speech at Tsinghua Academy.

Since then, part of his speech is Tsinghua’s motto:

“Self-discipline and social commitment".

Prior to 1949, Tsinghua University attached

great importance to the traditional Chinese culture.

Four of its professors were honored by the society

as the “Four Great Chinese Literature Teachers".

Chinese author Tie Liu: “The Americans returned

the indemnity paid to the Eight-Nation Alliances

to build Tsinghua Academy.

It cultivated a lot of talents!

Then Tsinghua was unlike today’s TU.

Now, it is incapable of producing the same talents.

Many of the students at TU are CCP officials."

After the CCP usurped power in China,

in 1952, TU’s faculties of liberal arts, law, sciences

and agriculture were forcefully carved out.

So TU became a mere university of technology.

In 1966, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution.

TU’s Jinggangshan Corps pioneered the birth

of thousands of rebel organizations in China.

In 1968, a 3-month long armed fight at TU

resulted in thousands of casualties.

During the Cultural Revolution, TU’s academic

and research routines were entirely destroyed.

In 1969, Tsinghua University Experimental Farm

was established in Jiangxi. 2821 faculty members

were forced to work in a labor camp environment.

747 people suffered from schistosomiasis.

In 1970, over a 1000 suffered from the disease.

The number of deceased hasn’t been counted.

After the Cultural Revolution,

admissions at TU resumed in 1978.

In late April 1989, over 2,000 students from TU

participated in anti-corruption demonstrations.

CCP’s mouthpieces labeled them “turmoil".

On May 13, some students held a rally on campus

and read “Declaration of Tsinghua Democracy".

92 signed up to participate in a hunger strike.

On June 4, CCP opened fire

on students and citizens.

As per the data gathered by Prof. Ding Zilin,

one of the Tiananmen Mothers,

four Tsinghua students were killed then

and 19 students were injured.

However, a lot of TU students still don’t know

the truth about the Tiananmen Massacre.

Former Tiananmen student leader Zhang Jian:

“After 1989, CCP continued its brainwashing

education. This underlines the fact

that the CCP uses lies in education, ideology,

public opinion and propaganda

to distort and fabricate history."

In 1994, Tsinghua’s first Falun Gong practice site

was established in the Gongzi Hall.

In 1999, the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong.

By then, there were 11 practice sites at Tsinghua.

After 1999, the Falun Gong practitioners at TU

were also persecuted by the CCP.

A graduate from Tsinghua, Yuan Jiang was tortured

by police and died in Lanzhou in 2001.

A student at the Chemical Engineering Department,

Liu Zhimei was expelled by the university in 1999.

After being repeatedly beaten, sexually abused

and injected with chemicals by police

in labor camps, Liu has gone insane.

Another graduate, Zhao Ming was tortured

with electric batons during illegal detention.

Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming:

“Several policemen pushed me against the floor

and beat my entire body with batons.

My entire body kept on shaking.

The room was filed with loud sounds of sparks.

Policeman used an electric baton to beat my chest.

I had great difficulty breathing."

For the centennial celebration of TU now,

the Chinese media composed a lot of reports,

praising TU for cultivating talents for 100 years.

They hoped Tsinghua would become “world-class".

Veteran media professional Gao Yu said,

that TU use to have a strong cultural tradition,

which believed in universal values.

Gao: “The education now serves CCP’s dictatorship.

There is no independent thought, personality or

freedom of thought! Having lost its universal values,

Tsinghua simply cannot become first-rate."

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhao Xinzhi and Sun Ning.
