




據《華爾街日報》報導,哥倫比亞大學商學院教授貝姆(David Beim的一篇重要的新論文《中國增長的未來》(The Future of Chinese Growth)指出,中國是在利用大量超額貸款保持增長引擎的運轉,中國經濟恐怕要踩剎車。

據貝姆研究,中國的固定資本形成總額(Gross fixed capital formation)從1980年佔GDP的29%上升至2010年的42%,大多數投入的資金來自國有商業銀行給國有企業的貸款,這也是導致低效和腐敗的原因。而且,隨著中共政府在本世紀初為中國的銀行清理帳本,價值數千億美元的壞賬奇蹟般地消失了。



至今,北京當局已連續出臺了許多項調控政策,但是,物價和房價仍在不斷飛漲。 謝國忠表示,行政權力無法治癒通脹,政府迫使企業不漲價只能暫時起作用。當投入成本每年以20%到30%的速度增長時,不提價,就沒有企業能生存。

4月5號,中國央行在半年內第4次加息0.25個百分點。謝國忠認為,這仍然遠不足以「消除人們對於政府製造通脹的恐懼」。 他警告,資本效率的下降和持續的負實際利率導致「滯脹」。嚴重的「滯脹」總是會導致貨幣貶值,並一定會觸發金融危機。滯脹期間將不可避免地發生社會動盪。




IMF Warns China of Credit and Asset Bubbles

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says

in its annual World Economic Outlook report

that China』s economy faces increasing pressure

from credit and asset bubbles. Economists cautioned

the danger of inflation in China

leading the country』s economy to stagflation.

The IMF warned China of the risks in its economy:

“There are mounting concerns about the potential

for steep corrections in property prices."

It estimated the inflation rate in China would

reach 5%, higher than the government estimated 4%.

Economists believe such inflation is caused by

excessive credit and currency expansion.

Mao Yushi, president of Unirule Institute

of Economics: “Inflation means too much investments

were made in unprofitable projects, and didn』t yield

more products. So we need to improve our investment

patterns, and encourage private investments.

Now most investments are made by the government,

which is the cause of the inflation.

Prof. Davice Beim at Columbia Business School wrote

in his recent article “The Future of Chinese Growth”

that China is relying on loan expansion to protect

the growth rate of the economy, and it has to stop.

China』s gross fixed capital formation has increased

steadily from 29% to 42% of GDP from 1980 to 2010.

Most investments are made by state-owned banks

lending to state-owned companies, which also causes

inefficiency and corruption, according to Beim.

At the turn of the century, hundreds of billions

of dollars in bad debt have disappeared,

as China tried to clean up its banks.

The inflation rate in China is approaching 5%.

Wen Jiabao compared inflation to a tiger –

once it』s out, it』s hard to lock it back in.

Economist Xie Guozhong wrote in Century Weekly

that China』s inflation has become very dangerous.

Panic is spreading and people have started to hoard.

Once it becomes common, a social crisis will erupt.

Despite various government control measures

prices in China are still rising drastically.

Xie believes the effects of administrative measures

are only temporary, and cannot stop inflation.

When investment costs increase 20-30% each year,

no company can survive without raising prices.

On April 5, China』s Central Bank increased interest

rates by 0.25%, the fourth time in 6 months,

which is still far from eliminating

the fear of inflation, according to Xie Guozhong.

Xie warns that capital inefficiency and

negative real interest rate will cause stagflation,

which in turn will lead to currency depreciation,

and eventually a financial and social crisis.

Prof. Xia Yeliang from Beijing University:

“If the economy slows down and unemployment rises,

because of the large population,

the Chinese society will face tremendous pressure,

which may cause unrest and instability.”

Experts warn that under the current circumstances,

China』s growth pattern will lead to stagflation

in economy, and possibly a financial crisis.

Social movements caused by such crisis

may hinder the process of political

and economical reforms in China.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Bo Ni
