


Alternative Weight Loss Therapy for Chinese


CoCo Hong, David Lee


1. Alternative:adj.另類的

2. therapy:n.療法

3. lose weight:v.ph.減重

4. obesity:n.肥胖

5. overweight:adj.過重的

6. massage:n.按摩

7. acupuncture:n.針灸

Some Chinese have found an easier way to lose weight than the normal methods of diet and exercize.


A recent study says obesity levels are rising fast in the country of 1.3 billion people, with more than a quarter of the adult population overweight or obese.


Dr. Zhao Jizhong owns a clinic, which employs massage and acupuncture for weight loss. He says that while massage and acupuncture don’t make fat miraculously disappear, they cause weight loss indirectly.



8. blood circulation:n.ph.血液循環

9. insulin:n.胰島素

10. resistance: n. 抵抗

11. therapy: n. 療法

12. side effect:n.ph.副作用

[Dr. Zhao Jizhong, Weight Loss Clinic Owner]:

“The main reason for us to develop such therapies is to promote blood circulation. It suppresses the sense of hunger, and promotes the resistance of insulin. The fat then gets digested out of the system.”


42-year-old Song Yonghong says she weighed around 275 pounds before she started the program two years ago. Now she’s down to about 150.


[Song Yonghong, Weight Loss Patient]:

“Out of all weight losing methods, this is the most relaxed and the easiest way. You will feel more energetic even without injections and medicine. I have decided to adopt this wonderful weight loss therapy for the rest of my life."


26-year-old Li Xiangna says one benefit of the treatment is the lack of side effects.


[Li Xiangna, Weight Loss Patient]:

“I feel like right now I don’t feel as hungry and I am eating less than before. I think this weight loss method is pretty healthy and it doesn’t have side effects. It’s also painless."


According to Dr. Zhao, patients tend to lose between five to 10 pounds in 12 massage sessions.



