

Chinese New Year the Simple Way in Indonesia



1.descendant: n. 子孫

2.bazaar: n. 百貨商場

3.foundation: n. 基金會

4.voluntarily: adv. 志願地

5.participant: n. 參與者

Hundreds of Chinese descendants in Tangerang, Indonesia enthusiastically take part in various activities to welcome the Chinese New Year. They can get a free haircut, go to a clothes bazaar, or even get free medical treatment. A foundation is voluntarily holding these activities in Sekar Wangi village, Tangerang—where 60% of the residents are of Chinese descent.


印尼數百個華人子孫在熱烈參予各種活動迎接春節,他們可以免費理髮、逛服飾百貨商場,甚至得到免費醫療,基金會志願免費在文登市Sekar Wangi村舉辦這些活動,這裡60%的居民是華人。

People can also have a free family photo session, adding a warm touch to the event.

One participant is very happy to join in the fun.


[Putri, Participant]:

「I’m so happy, because if we go to the hair salon we still need to pay money.」



6.invite: v. 邀請

7.ethnic: a. 種族的

8.luxurious: a. 奢侈的

9.celebrate: v. 慶祝

[Ivan, Event Organizer Member]:

「Through this event, we would like to invite people in need, to share happiness with all citizens.」


The lives of ethnic Chinese in this village are very simple and down-to-earth. Some of their houses are built semi-permanent, made from bamboo. It is far from luxurious life, but they still keep the New Year spirit by making traditional Chinese New Year rice cakes called 「Nian Gao.」


During the day people get together with their families to celebrate. [Alen, Tangerang Resident]: 「Every Chinese New Year I always come to my parents’ house to celebrate because my family is here.」


NTD, Tangerang, Indonesia.


作者:Wen-Chi Liao
