




Jan. 21, Wednesday

Quit CCP Announcements

Based on the study of Western scholars, it is estimated

that since the CCP established its regime, various CCP

movements have led to more than 80 million Chinese people

dying of hunger, persecution, shooting and so on, I

n the absence of any foreign aggression in peacetime.

As more and more historical truths are revealed,

many people do not want to forget but opt out of the CCP.

Yan Xuegui, a total of 19 people in Shaanxi Province wrote:

To forget about the past means betrayal of the future.

After going through the Cultural Revolution, June 4 Massacre,

and witnessing the bloody persecution of Falun Gong

practitioners, there is no reason to continue to be

in cahoots with the evil Chinese Communist Party.

We resolutely renounce the CCP, the Communist Youth League,

and the Young Pioneers.

Wang Yifan from Shijiazhuang stated:

Their various movements such as Yan’an rectification,

land reform, anti-rightist, the Great Leap Forward,

the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Massacre,

live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,

have amassed their wealth and power that’s covered

with the blood of hundreds of millions of Chinese.

They are the planet’s largest terrorist group in the 21st century.

I decided to quit the Communist Youth League,

and the Young Pioneers.

I break off from them!

Heaven eliminates the bandits,

and returns democracy to the great land!
