【禁聞】萬聖節求救信 引出《馬三家咆哮》














採訪/梁珍 編輯/尚燕 後製/舒燦

Book: “Masanjia Roaring" Published After Halloween SOS

Do you remember the SOS letter from a Chinese labor camp,

that was found hidden in some Halloween decorations?

The product was shipped overseas and the letter discovered

four years later in 2012 in America, shocking the world.

Well, the story has gone further…it turns out that Mr Zhang,

who had written the letter, has a close tie with Mr Du Bin,

a former New York Times photojournalist and Chinese

documentary writer and filmmaker.

Their enduring bond has magically reconnected the two

together after the Halloween SOS letter emerged.

Reporter: “This story is miraculous?"

Mr Du Bin, Beijing writer: “Actually, it is indeed miraculous,

but more importantly, it’s the fact that he met with me;

the person who wrote the SOS letter is my friend."

“It was three or four days after the article was published

in the Oregon Daily that he visited me."

“He asked me if I’d seen the news article online

and if I knew who’d written the letter."

“I replied, ‘I’ve always had a desire to look for

the author of the letter,’ and he said, ‘it’s me.’"

As a journalist, Du Bin called the reunion a “gift from heaven"

—but as he began to understand his friend’s story,

he had to face its shocking cruelty.

Mr. Zhang had suffered 10 months of cruel torture during

a term of 29 months of being persecuted in a labor camp.

He’d been one of those who had received the worst,

cruellest of tortures in the Masanjia Labor Camp.

Du Bin: “He endured torture like being hanged, stretched,

being put on the ‘death bed’, force-fed, and mental torture."

“Mental torture is one of the worst—it has a professional

term: ‘nerve removed’—to remove all your sensory nerves,

so you become like an animal, a robot, or a rubber person

without consciousness."

Based on Mr Zhang’s story, Du Bin wrote a book called

“Masanjia Roaring", which has been published in Hong Kong.

The book is written in first person narrative, reliving

the horrific tortures of the Masanjia Labor Camp and

the writing of the SOS letter, and telling the power of living

through such an inhuman plight with a strength to survive.

Du Bin: “Under that environment, he said,

he used to be a cowardly person."

“But the reason he could survive the persecution

was because he practices Falun Gong.”

“I said, ‘Can you tell me, in your practice of Falun Gong,

were there any words that encouraged you to survive?’"

“He said, ‘Yes—If you can let go of life and death, you’re

a God; if you can’t let go of life and death, you’re a human—

this is the difference (by Mr Li Hongzhi, Teaching the Fa

in New York City, March 23, 1997)."

Du Bin also wrote “Tiananmen Massacre" and “Vagina coma:

Survivors’ Testimonies of Tortures in Masanjia Labor Camp",

and filmed the documentary, “Women on the Small Devil’s

Head", which also exposes the tortures in Masanjia.

Du Bin was himself arrested on May 31 by Beijing’s State

Security Bureau for “exposing the scars of the government".

After being detained for 37 days, Du Bin was on bail for

one year and his freedom was limited.

As a person living in mainland China,

why does Du Bin dare to touch this matter?

Du Bin: “Firstly, I think, as a person I want to know, how can

a person survive under such extreme circumstances?…

What was going through their mind?"

“Secondly, we are not animals nor beasts—how can there be

such inhuman ways to treat others?—I will never accept it."

The Masanjia Labor Camp was set up by the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) as the “best place of practice" for

persecuting the Falun Gong.

The camp has accumulated so-called “experience",

which they apply to other labor camps and prisons,

where Falun Gong practitioners are confined.

Although the CCP had declared they would abolish the labor

camp system last November, the British Reuters says many

Chinese labor camps have remained in operation under

differing names, like forced drug stopping centres, where

those detained can be held for 2 years or longer.

The U.S. Minghui website reported on Dec. 10 that from

January to November, 2014, newly confirmed cases of death

of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners reached 92 persons.

Interview/LiangZhen Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan
