




















採訪/朱智善 編輯/李明飛 後製/鍾元

Ukraine Media: Jiang Zemin’s History of Murder

and the Quit CCP Trend

Ukrainian-language daily newspaper, Ukrayina Moloda

(Young Ukraine), recently reported Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption

campaign, along with how former leader, Jiang Zemin, climbed

up the hierarchy of Zhongnanhai

by stepping on the blood of student victims of June 4 massacre

and his brutal killing history against Falun Gong since 1999.

The trend of renouncing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

and its associated organizations was also highlighted in the report.

According to the Epoch Times, Ukrayina Moloda,

printed on Dec. 10 an article entitled,

“How is a totalitarian state with communist ideology to

‘clean power’?"

Author Irina Vishnevskaya described how Xi’s “flies" and “tigers"

movement has sacked 55 senior officials on charges of corruption.

These officials are all connected to Jiang Zemin,

including Bo Xilai, member of the Politburo,

and Zhou Yongkang, member of Politburo Standing Committee.

It stated that under his rule, Jiang arranged large numbers

of his allies to control the high places,

from state security, to law enforcement and propaganda.

Jiang’s killing history includes the Tiananmen massacre in 1989

that led him to the power center of the CCP,

and the suppression of popular Falun Gong in 1999.

It described how the popularity of Falun Gong can’t be

tolerated by the CCP regime.

This systematic persecution has continued to date,

known to be the most brutal repression in CCP history.

Jiang instigated his followers to support the persecution

campaign to avoid political sanction.

But, many of them have now become the objects

of “anti-corruption" and put under investigation.

Commentator Lan Su believes the report has pointed

to the essence of the issue, that is, Xi Jinping’s tigers are

officials of the Jiang faction, who have also directly mobilized

and participated in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Lan Su: “The former communist countries have had

the experience of expelling the Communists, clearing

and liquidation of the crimes of the Communists.

Its media will naturally know.

They have gone through the same experience."

The Ukrainian report specifically targeted

how the Falun Gong practitioners have been forced

to perform slave-work in labor camps without pay

and the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Jiang Zemin himself is aware of his crimes against humanity

and the sanctions he’ll face once he loses his power.

This isn’t the first time the Ukrayina Moloda reported

news of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners

by Jiang Zemin and the CCP.

Also this year on March 25, Ukrayina Moloda published

a commentary by Marianne Seredenko.

In the article, “Technology in Beijing—

What experience Yanukovych was going to adopt from China?"

It revealed the torture, the systematic large-scale live organ

harvesting and the acts to obliterate the corpses

and the evidence by the CCP regime.

Zhu Keming, the first civilian to file a lawsuit against Jiang:

“It is rare for a national media to expose the killing history

of the Communists, a form of liquidation on

how it’s persecuting Falun Gong.

These countries are really awakened."

Since “Global Coalition to Bring Jiang To Justice" was

established in 2003,

more than 50 criminal and civil cases against Jiang’s

“crimes against humanity", “genocide" and “crimes of torture"

have been filed in at least 30 cities and regions globally.

More than 30 major accomplices, who closely followed Jiang’s

persecution campaign, have also been indicted.

Anywhere the Chinese leaders visit, the local Falun Gong

practitioners will hold a peaceful rally

to condemn the CCP’s brutal persecution.

When Xi Jinping was in Macau on Dec,19, Macau Falun Gong

practitioners held rallies around St. Dominic’s Church.

They condemned the 15-year persecution of Falun Gong in China,

and called on Xi Jinping to bring Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang,

Luo Gan, Liu Jing, and Zeng Qinghong to justice.

The Ukraine report described the wave of quitting the CCP,

when over 180 million Chinese left the Communist Party

and its youth organizations, and also the inner struggle

that shakes the foundation of the regime.

This wave of mass disavowal of communist ideology started

in China in 2004,

when the international edition of Epoch Times published

a series of editorials entitled

“Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"

This exposed the history of the Communist Party

based on tyranny, murder and deceit.

Zhu Keming: “This renouncing the CCP is the most far-reaching

matter of the decade.

After people learn the facts, many political issues used to

be ignored for fear of the CCP,

but now, people dare to talk about it.

This shows the influence of CCP in the world arena

is diminishing.

The continuous truth clarification by Falun Gong over a decade

has also awakened the people.

People now dare to talk and condemn these acts of the CCP."

Ukrayina Moloda is a political daily newspaper.

According to Minghui.org, after the publication of the article,

another newspaper based in the Lviv Oblast (province)

in western Ukraine also reprinted and published the entire article.

Interview/Zhu ZhiShan edit/Li Mingfei Post-production/ZhongYuan
