















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

Party Media: Violence and Terror have Nothing to do with

East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)

After a serious crackdown from Chinese authorities, Xinjiang

authorities announced to arrest more than 380 so-called

violent terrorist suspects in this month at

a Monday press conference.

In addition, the Internet Information Office (State Council

Information Office) also released the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) version of Online Terrorism – East Turkistan Islamic

Movement terror audio and video.

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece

Global Times accepted that ETIM have nothing related to the

Xinjiang violent terrorist gang.

June 23, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Information Office

announced at the press conference: after one month of special

action in violent terrorist crackdowns from May 23, Xinjiang

police smashed 32 so-called violent gangs.

Police publicly sentenced 315 people and arrested more than

380 violent terrorist suspects.

They also investigated 21 martial arts points; collected lots

of computers, CDs and books to store and disseminate violence

and religious ideas.

VOA reported, among 32 so-called terrorist groups, 11 were

reported by the public.

The Chinese authorities increased the award to the informers,

by up to 500 thousand yuan (US$ 80,000).

June 24, the CCP Internet Information Office also held a news

conference to release Online terrorism – East Turkistan

Islamic Movement terrorist audio and video.

The State Information Office official said: we need to

strengthen internet security because the terrorists spread

the so-called extremism via the internet.

However, the English version of the Global Times admitted

on the June 25th News Edition that the scattered Xinjiang

terrorists were unstructured, with no strict organization nor

central control from top to bottom.

The Global Times quoted the experts’ words admitting the

so-called mastermind of terrorist actions—ETIM has no

direct connection to the scattered violent terrorist

gangs in Xinjiang.

Dilixiati, the spokesman of World Uyghur Congress, pointed

out that there are many doubts over the CCP’s so-called

ETIM and even nobody knows whether it exists.

He believes the CCP are trying to divert attention and mislead

public opinion by intentionally exaggerating

the threat from ETIM.

Dilshat Reshit: the authorities normally shifted the responsibility

of protests and emergencies which were triggered by

dissatisfaction with CCP’s policy to overseas.

So Beijing’s high-profile propaganda on overseas connivance

and support is to divert the netizens’ attention and

safeguard Beijing’s interest.

Dilshat Reshit pointed out that the CCP’s violent killing, arrests

and extreme allegations to the Uighurs in the name of

anti-terrorism can only make the Xinjiang

situation more unstable.

May 22, an attack occurred in Urumqi, Xinjiang, resulting in

43 deaths and 94 injured.

The next day, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region launched

a special crackdown action.

However, the frequent bloodshed across Xinjiang caused

hundreds of casualties.

Over 2 days from the 20th June, two violent attacks on police

resulted in 18 deaths, 13 of them were killed by the police.

US Uyghur Human Rights Project president Alim Seytoff

pointed out that the CCPs 65 years of blood and

iron fist tyranny, especially after the 911 incident, made

Xinjiang growing tensions by suppressing Uyghur’s

legitimate interests and aspirations in

the name of anti-terrorism.

Alim Seytoff: there is no change from the CCP after the

July 2009 Ürümqi riots.

The CCP tried to solve the so-called Xinjiang problem via

wrong minority policy and exporting large scale Han people to

suppress local Uyghur’s legitimate interests.

The result is that the majority of Uyghur not only do not

support the CCP, but believe they can’t righteously survive

as Uyghur under CCP leadership.

Dilshat Reshit pointed out that the CCP’s crackdown on Uyghur’s

politics, no fair justice on arrested Uyghur and the accused of

suspected violent terrorist crimes are the main reasons for

Uyghur’s increasingly fierce resistance.

The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) called on the international

community to urge the CCP to protect those arrested in Uyghur,

give a fair defense on rights and judgment based on

international human rights standards.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/SunNing
