【禁聞】9年禁書 被稱為降妖神劍







另一名「退出中共」的中國公民黃田有,年近60歲,他原來是廣東省湛江市坡頭區的一名村長,2000年被當地公安局誣陷,扣留了28天。 2002年黃田有夫婦再次被抓,並遭到毆打。





時事評論員邢天行:「《九評》不僅僅是揭穿了中共這種罪惡的邪靈的面目,而且他給大家提供了一個真正能夠自救的一個方法,你退出來, 就等於讓這個邪靈細胞在消亡,中共的氣數就越來越弱了,從這個意義上講,《九評》他對於中共這個邪魔來講,是一個降妖的神劍,他對中國老百姓來講,是走向新生的一個方舟。」





採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

‘Heavenly Swords’: Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

The publication ‘Nine Commentaries on the Communist

Party’ is an editorial series published by the Epoch Times.

The publication, which first launched in November 2004,

and is now available in multiple languages, explains the

deeper realities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Consequently, over 150 million Chinese people

have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

The Nine Commentaries is often described

by the Chinese people as nine heavenly

swords that slay the red dragon of the CCP.

It is thought that as people withdraw from the

CCP, its dictatorship will naturally disintegrate.

November 19 marks nine years since the publication

of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

The book is banned in Mainland China, but it was still

circulated widely, both inside China, and internationally.

The book contains a detailed analysis of the violent

nature of the Chinese Communist Party, which

explicitly stands against humanity and the nature.

Since reading the book, over a hundred million

Chinese people have joined a wave quitting the CCP.

Zhong Yafang is a victim of a medical

malpractice in Tonglu, Zhejiang.

When she spoke with an NTD reporter, she explained

that she did not believe in the CCP, and will withdraw.

Her daughter also suffered from radioactive

contamination due to a serious medical error.

During her process of dispute, the authorities imprisoned

Zhong Yafang in a psychiatric hospital for nearly two years.

Zhong Yafang: “Yesterday, I was going to buy medicine.

They used violence against me and

stopped me from buying medicine.

They are stepping up on persecuting

people and trying to put us to death.

They oppress the Chinese people, not save them.

Their words sound nice but they only commit bad

deeds. How can I not withdraw from the party?

I am determined to withdraw from

the party and the youth league."

Huang Tianyou is a Chinese citizen who has asked

to withdraw from the CCP. He is nearly 60 years old.

He was previously a village head

in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong.

In 2000, he was framed by local

police and detained for 28 days.

In 2002, Huang Tianyou and his

wife were both arrested and beaten.

Huang Tianyou: “The party has persecuted me.

I have been through misery. I have to withdraw.

I am very happy and relaxed now. All my grief has gone."

Following the publication of the Nine Commentaries,

Falun Gong practitioners in China, and all around

the world, have employed many means to be able

to make this book accessible to Chinese people.

Volunteers for the “Quit the CCP Service Center"

have promoted the “Nine Commentaries" at tourist sites

globally, and supported Chinese people to quit the CCP.

A large team of volunteers have dedicated much

time and energy making phone calls to the Mainland,

to tell people about the brutality of the CCP.

Liu Xing, volunteer at ‘Quit the CCP Service Center’,

Asia & Pacific: “There are many more people who read

the Nine Commentaries online using anti-firewall software.

There are also many people who have not been

able to read the book but ask where to get them.

People are showing their strong desire to learn the truth.

Once they understand the truth, people’s typical

reaction is one of disgust towards the CCP."

Liu Xing suggests that many Chinese people agree

with the content of the Nine Commentaries and said

that reflect on their experiences, that “it’s indeed true."

Xing Tianxin, commentator: “The Nine

Commentaries exposes the CCP. It gives

an opportunity to make an informed choice.

Once you withdraw from the party, the evil

spirit of the CCP that resides in you will die.

The dragon of the CCP will become weaker.

In this sense, the Nine Commentaries are like

nine heavenly swords that slay the red dragon.

It is like the Book of Noah, an ark, to Chinese people."

Recently, several officials in the political and

legal system have denounced the CCP.

They even helped their families and friends to withdraw.

Yang Xiuqin, volunteer at Quit the CCP Service Center, U.S.:

“A whole tourist group from the Ministry of Culture, more

than 20 people, including the Minister himself, quit the CCP.

Only one lady chose not to withdraw, but the

rest of them have all withdrawn from the CCP."

Han Li, volunteer at Quit the CCP Service Center, U.S.:

“There have been senior officials who would just

wait until everyone had heard our explanations.

They would then say, ‘withdraw

for me, as I am a county chief.’

Or they would say, ‘I am a secretary

of the party,’ or ‘I am from Sinopec.’

Many of them have withdrawn, but do so secretly."

Commentator Xing Tianxin points out that however

good the CCP is at deception and propaganda,

it has been powerless to the Nine Commentaries.

The Nine Commentaries is its Achilles heel.

The CCP is frightened of these heavenly swords.

Interview & Edit / ChangChun Post-Production/LiYong
