【禁聞】《央視》炮轟國際品牌 下一個是誰?



《央視》21號播出的《經濟半小時》中,批評「三星Galaxy S3」在全球銷量驚人,但購買這款手機的北京市民金女士,發現手機頻繁死機,一天甚至有二、三十次。她多次將手機送到三星服務中心維修,但無濟於事。
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

Which International Brand Will be Next CCTV Target?

It was reported that China Central Television

recently bombarded Starbucks with criticism.

Now, CCTV has focused on Korean company Samsung.

It reported that Samsung has design flaws, and

problems with overcharging for maintenance.

They called for the punishment

of so-called dishonest enterprises.

Previously, Apple, Land Rover and KFC were criticised.

Who will be CCTV’s next target? Let’s see our coverage.

On October 21, CCTV’s “Economy Half Hour"

criticized the Samsung Galaxy S3 as having

amazing global sales but lots of problems.

It reported that a Ms Jin’s Samsung Galaxy S3 crashed

twenty to thirty times per day after she bought it in Beijing.

She took it to the customer services

for repair, but with no success.

It was learned from a specialist that the

phone’s “font file" chip has a problem.

The same issue exists in other Samsung mobile phones.

However, Samsung staff refused to change the chip for

free and charged 780 to 2000 RMB for a replacement.

CCTV quoted words from the Secretary General

of China Mobile Internet Industry Alliance.

Memory chip problems can make the whole system

not work, and might be a product design problem.

The Director of Beijing Lawyers Association Consumer

Protection Committee accused Samsung on suspicion

of shirking the responsibility to repair, replace or return.

It was suggested to punish so-called dishonest enterprises.

CCTV also criticized Samsung for being

aware of the withdrawal of it’s products.

However, it remained silent in order to evade

obligations and responsibilities required by law.

CCTV encouraged consumers to fight back with real action.

Previously, CCTV said Samsung mobile

phone repairs has a windfall profit.

Previously, the nearly 1,000 Starbucks stores in

China were criticized for making excessive profits.

CCTV claimed a cup of Starbucks latte in China is 27 yuan.

This is higher than in Chicago at 19.98 yuan,

Mumbai at 14.6 yuan, and London at 24.25 yuan.

Official Chinese newspapers have

also criticized Starbucks recently.

Wen Rui, Mainland Chinese commentator:

“It is also proof that foreigners treat us badly.

From here, you can tell the crows are all black."

Liu Feiyue, organizer of a watchdog website: “It might be

related to the domestic environment and political situation.

The authorities seem to becoming more and more

tough, so has China become second best in the world?

The CCP wants everything to be a second-best,

thus more and more it is showing its tough side."

Even after criticism by Chinese media, Starbucks’ share prices

increased 0.19%, to hit a new high of $79.46 on October 21.

CCTV has criticized other international brands repeatedly.

In March, CCTV criticized Apple for having

discrimination in after sales policies in China.

On August 18, the “News 30″ programme on

CCTV criticized imported Land Rover cars.

CCTV said Land Rover prices in China

are higher than in other countries.

Reportedly, in China a certain model of car sells at

1.34 million Yuan, but at 350,000 yuan in the US.

Cars with factory prices of only 520,000 yuan

can be sold at the lowest of 1.89 million yuan.

However, industry insiders revealed that imported cars in

China need to pay customs duties, excise duties and VAT.

Imported 4.0 L cars will have prices doubled after these taxes.

The levy of imported 3.0 L – 4.0 L

cars has reached 95% of the price.

Shandong Investment Adviser Yu Xinyong thinks that

the purpose of CCTV is to divert people’s attention.

It is to make people vent their grievances at foreign countries.

Yu Xinyong: “Last year, lots of people concentrated their

efforts on the Diaoyu Islands, because of CCTV reports.

This year, the focus are some foreign

brands instead of the Diaoyu Islands.

This is because if focus continued on the

Diaoyu Islands, it would become out of control."

Yu Xinyong said that in China, there are far greater

things that hurt people, compared to these famous brands.

For example, poison milk, poison food,

water, air and environmental pollution.

Also, the retirement multitrack system,

which are all related to CCP vital interests.

CCTV never dares to deeply analyze and expose these.
