【禁聞】廣州公安抓人不說理由 家屬苦等














9月12號,美國國會第一次舉辦了中共活摘器官聽證會。主持聽證會的美國國會眾議院外交事務委員會監督和調查小組委員會主席丹納.羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)議員表示:活摘器官是「魔鬼的行徑」,盜取那些因為信仰或政見不同而被監禁的人的器官是嚴重的反人類罪行,我們必須盡最大努力把參與這種罪惡的每個人都繩之以法。

編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Guangzhou public security arrests people without any reason On November 4, three people in plainclothes, who claimed

they were with the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau,

forcibly entered into Falun Gong practitioner

Chen Ruichang’s home around 12:00 midnight.

They conducted a search raid and took Chen Ruichang away.

These plainclothes police left no reason for the arrest

and only told Chen’s family to await further news.

Chen Ruichang’s wife, Liangzi Hui, said she was very worried

about her husband who had been suddenly taken away.

She hopes the U.S. government and the society as a whole

pays attention to the personal safety of Falun Gong practitioners and helps rescue her husband.

Liang Zihui, a Falun Gong practitioner in Guangzhou:

“My name is Liang Zihui, my husband is Chen Ruichang.

He turned out to be the deputy director of the editing

department at Guangdong TV.”

In the winter of 1998, Chen Ruichang found that after

practicing Falun Dafa, his wife got rid of the medicine

that she had relied on for many years, and the intensified

family relationship become harmonious.

To this end, he started to understand “Falun Gong.”

In the spring of 1999, Chen Ruichang decided to walk

into the ranks of Falun Gong practitioners, and to learn how to be a good person.

However, such a quiet day did not last long.

A few months later, the CCP started the illegal and brutal

repression of Falun Gong practitioners.

Liang Zihui: “He had a very simple idea,

he thought the CCP should be fair.

Therefore, he decided to go to Beijing to tell the truth

to the CCP Central Committee with his opinion about how good Falun Gong is.

That was his purpose.

He also wrote a detailed letter to the State Bureau

for Letters and Visits in Beijing. But he was later caught.“

Just like Chen Ruichang, many Falun Gong practitioners

from around the world went to Beijing to petition.

According to the Beijing public security, as of April 2001,

there were a total of 830,000 Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing based on the registration record.

A greater number of Falun Gong practitioners were caught

without any registration record, as they did not report their names.

Liang Zihui: “My husband was sent to a brainwashing class

three times.

After the second time, he was sent to a Labor Camp

for one year as brainwashing class did not change his beliefs.

He was sent to the provincial brainwashing class the third time.

Several people came to his office attempting to force him

to change belief and sign several related documents.

He refused to do so and was later abducted.”

Because he refused to change his belief, Chen Ruichang

was arrested several times.

On November 4, three plainclothes persons who claimed

they belonged to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau,

forcibly entered into Chen Ruichang’s home and took

him away around 12:00 at night.

According to Chen Ruichang’s son, the plainclothes policemen

said they had been tracking Chen Ruichang for very long time.

Liang Zihui: “They mentioned that they belong to Guangzhou

Municipal Public Security Bureau. They had two documents.

One was a search warrant, the other was an arrest warrant.

Both of the documents were signed by the Guangzhou

Municipal Public Security Bureau.

They searched the house and took many Dafa books

and related material. They arrested my husband.

My son asked them who they are, but they did not leave

their names and documents.

They just mentioned they would notify us

when the time came.”

Both Liang Zihui and her husband are Falun Gong


She was arrested four times for practicing Falun Gong.

She was sentenced and sent to the labor camp illegally.

Her arrival to the US was bittersweet, as she was very worried

about Chen Ruichang and their son who was at home alone.

Liang said there are a lot of mysterious deaths of Falun Gong

practitioners after they were arrested in China.

Since the exposure of Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital

in Shenyang, who participated in the living harvest of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs,

the U.S. State Department Report on Human Rights this May

clearly mentioned for the first time the living organ harvest of Falun Gong practitioners carried out by the CCP.

On September 12, the U.S. Congress held

an Organ Harvest hearing for the first time.

Dana Rohrabacher, senior member of House Committee

of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,

presided over the hearing and said living organ harvesting

is an “act of the devil” and

to steal the organs of those imprisoned people who have

different beliefs or political opinions is a serious crime against humanity.

“We must make the greatest efforts to bring everyone

involved in this evil to justice,” he said.
