【禁聞】汪洋「粵式打黑」 數百官落馬 肅江勢力?








海外媒體報導,汪洋在這次主導打黑中,廣東省官場上上下下正在經歷一場罕有的反腐大行動。官方媒體至今沒有公開的信息是,深圳市目前已有100多名官員涉及不同貪腐案件被雙規。其中包括深圳常務副市長呂銳鋒,原副市長梁道行的秘書,而曾擔任深圳市「大運會」執行局局長的梁道行也已涉案﹔然而在省會廣州,也有 200多名官員被拿下,其中包括一些「大魚」。





傑森:「獨立,與重慶打黑那種方式有所不同,因為重慶當時打黑的真正目標,是有那種個體商人,而且完全是用的非法的那種手腕。他是不是想立一個新的範本,就是為了主要是那個貪官之類的 。本身來說是不是這個過程,又給自己政績上再書寫一筆。」


採訪/陳漢 編輯/唐睿 後製/肖顏

Wang Yang Organizes “Guangdong-style Anti-triad” to Eliminate Jiang Zemin’s Faction

Recently, officials were continually dismissed

in Guangdong province.

According to media, more than 100 officials in Shenzhen

were detained due to different corruption cases,

and more than 200 officials were removed

in the capital Guangzhou.

Outsiders believe this is the action of Wang Yang,

the secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),

in an effort to clean Guangdong officialdom

by “Guangdong-style anti-triad”.

Following the notice on June 18 that Wei Jinfeng,

the deputy director of Guangdong Provincial Finance Bureau,

was investigated on suspicion of serious disciplinary problems,

the “First Financial Daily” reported on June 19 that

the Guangdong Discipline Inspection and Supervision net

revealed that Xie Pengfei, the director of Guangdong Provincial

Development Research Center, was also investigated due

to serious disciplinary problems.

It is unknown whether the two cases are related since they

took place at almost the same time.

An official from the Guangdong Provincial Commission

for Discipline Inspection analyzed that regarding the position Xie Pengfei is in, there are two possibilities.

One is he became corrupt in the open biddings for research

funding, the other is he helped others to profit.

It’s reported that Guangdong Province launched a Guangdong

style anti-triad initiative last February, named, “Three Strike, Two Build.”

Three strikes refers to “strike the domination of the market,

strike selling of counterfeit goods, strike commercial bribery.”

Wang Yang said in the anti-triad initiative that “Three-Strike”

must focus on “cut off the benefit chain” and “move away the protective umbrella.”

The issues will not be solved from the root and will erupt again

if the benefit chain isn’t cut off or the protective umbrella isn’t moved away.

As of June 8, Guangdong Province has investigated

677 cases of commercial bribery, among 2,046 cases.

In total, these cases involved 805 million RMB and 1,072 CCP

or national officials, which includes 28 department-level cadres and 123 division-level cadres.

Zhang Xinyu, a former professor of Ningbo University

of Technology: ”If there’s a real anti-triad, all the CCP members will be removed.

There’s no clean official within the CCP.”

The international media reported that the anti-triad action

initiated by Wang Yang is a rare anti-corruption campaign within Guangdong officialdom.

The information that the official media hasn’t reported

is that more than 100 officials in Shenzhen city were detained

and investigated due to corruption including executive vice mayor Lv Ruilong,

the secretary of the former vice mayor Liang Daoxing,

and Liang Daoxing himself who was chairman of Shenzhen

University Games executive board when arrested.

In the capital Guangzhou, more than 200 officials

were removed, including several bigwigs.

Informed sources revealed that most of the removed officials

are section-level cadres and (deputy) division-level cadres from land planning, construction and medical areas.

Before this initiative, Guangdong province removed

a number of officials from its court system.

Jason Ma, a current affairs commentator, analyzed that when

looking at the previous initiative of Wang Yang which

took power away from the secretary of political and judiciary

committee, this action may be a further step to eliminate Jiang Zemin』s faction in Guangdong.

Jason: “I think Wang Yang doesn’t want to stay in Guangdong

for a long time, or he hasn’t a plan to do more in Guangdong.

Wang Yang’s main purpose is to enter the Politburo Standing

Committee during the 18th national congress, which means he wants to move to Beijing.

So, for him, Guangdong is not a very important place.

It’s possible that he wants to eliminate Jiang’s faction, then

Guangdong will be under his control after he moves to Beijing.”

Jason Ma thinks it’s also possible that Wang Yang wants

to create a new model in China.

Jason Ma: “An independent anti-triad model,

which is different from the Chongqing one,

because the real purpose of the Chongqing mode was

to strike businessmen using illegal means.

Wang Yang, in an effort to make a political achievement,

may want to create a new model to deal with corrupt officials.”

Within CCP, people think Wang Yang made an outstanding

achievement after he led Guangdong.

He also won the praise of the people in the Wukan case.

So, outsiders believe Wang Yang is a strong candidate

to enter the Politburo Standing Committee.
