【禁聞】駱家輝炮轟中共 再令北京頭痛
















Beijing Embarrassment at Locke Criticism of China’sHuman Rights

U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke has criticised China’shuman

rights record and lack of openness in foreign investment policy.

Locke’sstraight-talking was welcomed by Chinese people,

but has embarrassed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.

On December 14, U.S. Ambassador Locke spoke to

Associated Press about China’shuman rights』 deterioration.

He said that as U.S.-China relationship grows stronger,

so grows U.S. concern over China’shuman rights record.

China’shuman rights violations increased during this year.

Locke highlighted CCP concerns that recent international

democratic uprising might spread to China.

In reaction, increasing arrests of activists and lawyers has

increased, deteriorating China’shuman rights further.

On International Human Rights Day, Locke again criticised

China’shuman rights abuses.

Former U.S ambassador Jon Huntsman echoed these concerns

with similar criticism.

The CCP foreign ministry response criticised US “interference

in internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.”

Wu Zuolai, Scholar of the Chinese Academy of Arts,

highlighted that human rights is a universal issue,

and is normal that countries show concern for each others

human rights.

Wu: “Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping said China-US

relations are very important, affecting the entire world.

However, many anti-US voices exist on the internet, saying

US concern for China’shuman rights is interfering with internal affairs, by instilling universal values to China.”

Locke attended an economic summit on December 15.

He said that the US had less restriction toward China’s

investment, but China’smarket lacks openness.

In many cases, the largest obstacle to Sino-US economic

cooperation is lack of openness, and lack of transparency.

Using the insurance industry as an example, Locke expressed

concern over CCP intervention in the past few years.

The professional approach of China’sinsurance company’s

is limited in comparison to overseas.

Business is only possible in China by joint venture

Scholar Chen Yongmiao believes that when China joined the WTO,

the international community hoped China would open up,

but that hope was in vain, as the economy is still

under control of dictatorship.

Chen: “At present, CCP market economy isn’t a real market

economy, as it is under control of dictatorship power.

Many industries should be opened up, but CCP concerns

over national economy security have inhibited this.

Opening up is small scale, and not towards foreign and

private business.

Sino-US relations are more complex than ever.

US Ambassador Locke, of Chinese origin, has won the praise

of the Chinese public, causing CCP officials embarrassment.

Media reporting was ordered to avoid reporting on Locke,

who told AP, “Who would have thought that just getting a cup of coffee would create such a stir?”

What are Chinese public reactions to Locke’scriticisms?

Wu Zuolai thinks Chinese people view Locke as a remarkable

Chinese representative, for an outstanding official.

No matter which country Locke represents, the Chinese public

are more concerned with what image the officials present.

Chen Yongmiao expressed that for Gary Locke, upholding

US values is a priority, rather than using his Chinese ethnicity to ease the conflict between China and US,

and is a US Ambassador,

rather than a Chinese American Ambassador.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
