【禁聞】卡扎菲政權垮臺 敲響中共瓦解喪鐘




利比亞民衆高喊口號:「一二三 利比亞自由了!」




















Death Knell for the CCP?

After six months of fierce combat, the Libyan rebels entered

and dominated the capital Tripoli on August 22.

The opposition will soon form a transitional government,

and has vowed to capture Gaddafi alive.

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court has confirmed

the arrest of Gaddafi´s three sons.

Analysts pointed out, the collapse of Gaddafi dictatorship

sounded the death knell for CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

Tens of thousands cheered in Tripoli for their freedom,

and they have renamed the Green Square

located in Downtown Tripoli, the “Martyr』s Square.”

Elated Libyans tore down Gaddafi´s portraits, treading them

underfoot; some others burned Gaddafi regime』s green banner.

The government military forces had failed to prevent

Libyan rebels from reaching the capital city center.

The opposition recieved a warm welcome. Libya´s charge

d´affaires in London, said rebels controlled 95% of Tripoli.

The president』s elite guards have surrendered.

Wei Jingsheng (Pro-democracy activist in exile):

“Sooner or later Libya』s situation will get to this extent,

for a dictatorship is opposed by all people. Once it starts

to shake, a collapse will be imminent.”

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rassmussen, said that

the sooner Gaddafi realizes he can』t beat the Libyan people,

less will suffer, and less Libyan blood will be shed.

He called on a peaceful transfer of power in Libya.

U.S. President Barack Obama said it has been demonstrated

that the pursuit of universal values of dignity and freedom

by the Libyan people is more powerful

than the dictator』s iron fist.

United States and its allies will further support

the peaceful democratization in Libya.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said that Gaddafi

has committed heinous crimes against the Libyan people,

and he hopes there won』t be unrest and bloodshed, like what

happened in Iraq after the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Gaddafi

to give up on resistance soon, so as to avoid more bloodshed.

French President Nicholas Sarkozy has invited

the Libyan opposition leader to visit France.

Meanwhile, the European Union is now preparing

for the “post-Gaddafi era.”

Wei Jingsheng: “The Libyan dictatorship is one of the most

typical and also most authoritarian regimes in North Africa.

Besides, it』s relatively powerful. From this perspective,

it』s collapse has a positive effect on the Jasmine Revolution

that has happened in north-Africa and the Middle East.

It further isolates the Chinese Communist regime.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said

that the CCP respects Libyan people』s choice.

Nevertheless, CCTV and other Chinese media have

deliberately focused on Gaddafi』s not giving up.

CCTV has always been derogatory, using words and terms

like “Libyan armed opposition elements”

to refer to the rebels, and using “unrest”

to describe the current Libyan situation.

Chen Po Kong (political commentator): “At the beggining of

the Libyan revolution, they (the CCP) were on Gaddafi』s side,

from their reports and the communist regime』s perspective,

the opposition has created the unrest in the country

and so the uprising is downright rebellion,

which coincides with Gaddafi』s rhetoric.”

Libyan people』 uprising began on February 15,

and had faced the repression from Gaddafi』s armed forces,

including fighter jets.

On March 19, authorized the the United Nations, nations

like U.S., Great Britain, and France initiated airstrikes

against Libya, in an attempt to protect the Libyan civilians.

China abstained on the UN motion, but afterwards condemned

vehemently the western airstrikes.

Chen Po Kong: That is the second phase and to the third phase,

seeing the international solidarity in support of the opposition,

which had grown everyday stronger,

posing a everyday greater threat to Gaddafi』s regime.

The CCP silently switched its standpoint,

to accept the Libyan Opposition.

Up to now, seeing the Libyan capital on the brink of being

conquered, and the Gaddafi regime on the brink of collapsing,

the Chinese Communist government again takes advantage to

win Libyan Opposition』s favor,

sending its so-called Red Cross to aid them.

Its main purpose is for Libya』s oil resources.

The whole world』s attention has been focused on the Libyan

situation. Chinese netizens made remarks on their blogs like,

“congratulations on Libyan people getting their freedom

and democracy, leading a new life without corruption”,

“I』m moved to tears by what happened in Libya,

and it will soon be our turn”.

Zhang Tianliang (Professor of the George Mason University,

Commentator): For Chinese people to end the CCP』s rule,

it』s very important to raise awareness among themselves,

and it』s obvious that this raising-awareness trend is happening.

Many people have declared quitting the CCP and its affiliates.

This act signifies casting aside the CCP.

I can foresee that, such an act will develop into happening

on the street, and then it will be the collapse of the CCP.”

Commentators pointed out that Gaddafi, who appreciates

greatly the “Suppression of Tiananmen, is now like a lost dog.

His case serves as a warning for the CCP leaders.

The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant;

the Gaddafi』s and theLibyan Intelligence Chief will be charged

with Crimes against Humanity.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Li Yue
