【禁聞】貶德國上網難 廈門副市長惹非議

















City Officials’ Stunning Remarks

Xiamen Deputy Mayor Zang Jiebin became a subject online

for uttering stunning remarks in a Xiamen meeting on July 9.

He said: “Germans have a hard time getting on the Internet.

They need many layers of approval and it is also very costly.”

Zang: “Germany is an advanced European super power

with a high degree of civilization and well-developed industries.

However, it is quite difficult for the people to get online.

It is simple for us, but over there people have to get approval.

In addition, it also very costly.”

Zang delivered his speech on July 9 during a sharing meeting

of Internet civilization and network civilization.

He said that he toured and studied in Germany for two weeks

in April 2010, and learned of the Germans’ Internet situation.

He added, people should feel happy

under the CCP’s network control.”

“People accuse our government for controlling news and ideals.

But in reality, Westerners have a tighter control of ideology.

I believe that our country is very civilized and democratic,

and we all should feel very happy.”

Zang’s remarks were originally posted on Sina video channel,

but soon spread to Sina micro-blogs and Tencent micro-blogs.

Suddenly his remarks attracted lots of criticisms from netizens.

Some netizens said sarcastically that 30 years ago

we were in an extremely closed era, we thought that

Westerners were living in misery and needed to be rescued.

Such lies appearing today to fool people, especially netizens,

shows that the CCP’s management hasn’t improved much.

Netizens in Germany through micro-blogs refuted Zang.

Having lived in Germany for 20 years, Ms. Lee told NTDTV,

she had never heard of the Internet requiring approval.

She said German people can freely choose their network.

Ms. Lee: Several well-known network providers in Germany

offer very convenient services to win customers.

For example, many mobile phone shops on pedestrian streets

have special rates to attract customers.

Many of my friends that live in villages or forests

can get on the Internet by a simple click of their fingers.

What approvals was Zang talking about?

His remarks would cause the Germans to die laughing.

Netizens are only laughing.

However, the German media took Zang’s remarks seriously.

Deutsche Welle interviewed a visiting Chinese writer,

and contacted Xiamen city hall and Zang’s secretary.

They wanted to know how and where Zang obtained the “info”.

However, Zang has been quite evasive to the inquiries.

Deutsche Welle quoted Bei Feng in Hong Kong’s Sun TV

saying: This deputy mayor has an obligation to disclose

his source of information.

If his information is fabricated, this is considered misconduct.

Bei Feng added, the Chinese authorities like to say that

other countries also monitor their Internet. In other countries

Internet censorship is based on a set of transparent rules,

such as pornography and violence are censored.

But in China, it is a black box system.

Currently, the contents of Zang’s micro-blog are gone.

Only an item about the city’s beautiful flowers remains,

which disallowed criticisms. When searching Zang on Sina,

one will see a message that in accordance with laws,

regulations and policies, the search results are not displayed.

Xiamen city government has displayed an evasive attitude,

although it published reports on the activities of July 9

in Xiamen News Online, they did not mention a single word

about Zang’s remarks on the German Internet situation.

NTD reporters Li Yun, Shang Yan and Wang Mingyu
