












李昌玉:「現在入黨的這些人說的再天花亂墜,他心裡明白,沒有甚麼理想,也 沒有高尚的為人民服務,說的是說在口頭上,這人格分裂,兩種話語,已經成為中國社會一種常態了。」



Why Chinese Join CCP

2011 marks the 90th anniversary of the CCP

(Chinese Communist Party). Party members

born in the 1990s told international media

that CCP advocates formalism, spreads corruption.

Most joined the CCP to help further their education.

Li Changyu, a retired teacher from Shandong,

said that joining the CCP to become an official

has been a phenomenon long before modern times.

July 1 is the 90th anniversary of CCP’s founding.

In time for this, CCP launched a series of books

on its history. In a recent report Washington Post

pointed out that the period between 1949 and 1978

is a reality CCP will not face.

The reason CCP launched the books earlier was to

compete with other publications about its own history.

What ideas do young Chinese have about CCP now?

Voice of America interviewed three young,

urban female intellectuals. Born in the 1990s,

they have a unique understanding about the CCP.

Chen Bei, is a PR officer at a Shenzhen company.

In high school, she wrote an application to join CCP.

Chen said, whether one is admitted to join the party

does not depend on one’s loyalty to the party.

Applicants do not intend to fight for the party either.

They think joining CCP will help them find a job.

Beijing University student, Wang Ping,

applied to join the party only recently.

Wang thought that becoming a party member

would provide many benefits. Now few of those

who apply to join the CCP know about the party.

They do it mostly out of ambition,

or to follow the crowd or for utilitarian purposes.

Wang Ping points out that seeing the spread

of corruption within the party raises doubts in her

about its “advanced nature." Wang feels as though

the CCP’s ideas are an elusive “Utopia."

Yao Xiao is a deputy secretary of CCP branch office

in Beijing. She also said that

the CCP has too much “formalism." For example,

When they convey the ideas to us,

they use the form of 4 character sayings,

pretend to sympathize with us, and hold speech contests.

Li Changyu is a 78-year-old retired teacher

in Shandong. At age 15, he joined the Youth League,

and was among the first group to join in Shanghai.

He has been involved in the “3 anti–movement.”

He questioned why CCP can’t eradicate corruption,

“The more frightening thing is that small bribery

and embezzlement are considered normal now.”

Li Changyu: “Why after the ‘3 anti–movements’,

can’t the CCP solve the problem of corruption?

Because it lies. The political movement is a trick

to hurt people, not to set up a self-regulation system.

Its aim is to use it to punish people."

Li Changyu mentioned that once he met

a newly admitted college student, who told him

that his father was a labor contractor,

and would not get contracts if he did not pay bribes.

Seeing the extent of the corruption, his father said

“Go to college. You must not join the party."

Li Changyu: “Now those people who join the party

speak a lot, they have no ideals. There is nothing

more noble than serving the people. What they say

is not what they think, they have a split personality.

This has become China’s social norm."

Li Changyu said in all earnestness that

now the whole society, government agencies,

and officials are in the hands of the CCP.

Now “pragmatism" is what it’s all about.

Joining the party is simply to become an official.

NTD reporters Huang Lida, Li Ting and Xiao Yan
