【禁聞】利比亞戰事 官媒民間有分歧




據《美國之音》的報導說,30號,卡扎菲的左右手,跟隨他多年的外長穆薩•庫薩(Moussa Koussa),抵達英國倫敦,宣佈脫離卡扎菲政府。英國官員鼓勵卡扎菲身邊的人也“棄暗投明,為利比亞更美好的未來而努力”。














Which Media to Trust?

Libya’s fighting still continues. Official media

of the Chinese government criticize Western Allies.

But online opinions diverge from the propaganda.

Analysts say that along with the spread of internet

and diversity of information, people become clearer

and the government’s one-sided indoctrination

is not able to deceive them any longer.

According to Voice of America, on March 30,

arriving in London Gaddafi’s right-hand man,

Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, announced

that he’s breaking away from Gaddafi’s government.

British officials encourage other followers to also

“abandon Gaddafi, for a brighter future of Libya".

Although government forces pushed back Rebels

with strong fire and took back most of the land,

the diplomat’s defection frustrated them greatly.

On March 29, at a Chinese Foreign Ministry’s

press conference, international media questioned

the inconsistent attitude of the Chinese government

on Western Allies’ air raid in Libya.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu said that

China plays a constructive role on this issue,

and has “serious reservations

on some parts of the Resolution".

On 163.com, almost 60,000 people took part

in the discussion. Over 7,000 people support

the post “Libyans have the final say" and

10,000+ support “All dictatorships will perish".

Some netizens joked that they learned a new phrase,

“serious reservations".

Radio France Internationale interviewed

Mr. Ling Cangzhou, a writer and scholar in Beijing.

He said that this phenomenon shows there are more

people becoming clearheaded and sane in China.

Mr. Ling Cangzhou said that in an internet era,

information is more diverse and people grasp more

and comprehensive information.

Deceit of so-called experts does not work any more.

163.com is relatively neutral, but there are forums

more liberal like Kaidi Community,

on which there are more cheers and praises.

Reuters commented that since the beginning

of the air raid on Libya, the Chinese government

had controlled public opinion to misguide people,

saying that Western countries can’t be trusted.

People’s Daily overseas edition claimed,

“attacking Iraq is for petroleum,

and attacking Libya is also for petroleum."

Mr. Ling Cangzhou said that Chinese media will not

directly criticize Gaddafi as a dictator,

but netizens all know him as a dictator; as someone

not elected by the people; as someone who uses

jet fighters and guns to attack his own people.

Mr. Ling said that with the internet becoming

an increasingly popular way of getting information,

less Chinese people can be taken advantage of

by Chinese communist propaganda.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Wu Huizhen.
