


譯者序言:“共產革命大虐殺 – 不自由,毋寧死”(Revolutionary Holocaust — Live Free or Die)揭示了共產主義、社會主義與納粹主義的共有理論基點,並將斯大林,格瓦拉與毛澤東的革命大虐殺的反人類罪行公諸於眾。今天以中共黨朝為首的“新納粹(民族社會主義)”與美國新社會主義回潮是世界所有熱愛自由的人們應提起警覺並要奮起反擊的。我很榮幸能將戈蘭. 拜克製作的“共產革命大虐殺 – 不自由,毋寧死”翻譯成中文以將共產邪惡的理論基點及罪惡的真相告知中國的人們。

作者介紹:戈蘭. 拜克 (Glenn Beck, Fox News 福克斯電視臺)是當今美國社會中最具影響力的、少有的保守派主流電視主持人之一。他也是唯一的一個有眼光、有洞察力、有勇氣的將共產主義、社會主義邪惡與今天美國左翼大政府病態情結暴露於眾的最具美國自由精神的電視主持人。


BECK: Marx defined socialism as a pit stop between capitalism and communism. It isn’t an end point. While sometimes this change happens slowly, it always ends badly, but perhaps never worse than with Chairman Mao.

戈: 马克思声称社会主义只是在历史从资本主义走向共产主义的过渡阶段。 社会主义本身并不是目的与终结。 这种过渡时期固然缓慢,但从没有一个实例有好的结果。 可能这些实例中最坏的一例就是“毛主席”下的中国。


人类历史上最大的杀人魔 – 毛泽东

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Great leader, great commander, and great helmsman, Chairman Mao.

匿名男子(中文): “伟大领袖、伟大统帅、伟大舵手毛主席”。

BECK (voice-over): Of all the horror that communism has brought to the world, perhaps the worst was brought to us by Mao Zedong.

戈 (幕后音): 就所有共产政权对世界造成的危害而言,没有人能比得上由毛泽东的罪恶所造成的灾难。

JUNG CHANG, FATHER SUFFERED UNDER MAO ZEDONG’S COMMUNIST REGIME: When I was if in China, we were told Mao was like our god. When we wanted to say, “What I say is absolutely true," we would say, “I swear to Chairman Mao."

张戎 (【鲜为人知的毛泽东】作者,其父曾被毛共政权所害): 我在中国的时候,毛泽东就被我们当作上帝。 我们要让人相信我们的时候,我们就会说:“准没错。 我向毛主席发誓。”

BECK: Mao used his power to crush the Chinese people. The majority of his crimes came in two distinct ways.

戈: 毛用极权手段压制中国的人们。 他的罪行主要是通过两种方式(两个阶段)犯下的。

LEE EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN, VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM MEMORIAL FOUNDATION: In 1959 to 1961 was the so-called “great leap forward" which was actually a gigantic leap backwards in which he tried to collectivize and communize agriculture.

李. 爱德华 (共产主义受害者纪念基金会主席): 从1959年到1961年是我们都知道的“大跃进”的三年。 其实那三年真是一个巨大的“大跃退”。 在那三年里,毛强迫农民们在农村实行“集体化”与“公社化”。

And they came to him after the first year and they said, “Chairman, five million people have died of famine." He said, “No matter, keep going." In the second year, they came back and they said, “Ten million Chinese have died." He said, “No matter, continue." The third year, 20 million Chinese have died. And he said finally, “Well, perhaps this is not the best idea that I’ve ever had."

“大跃进”的第一年,有人向毛报告说: “主席,有五百万人死于饥荒。” 毛说: “不要紧,继续干。” 第二年,又有人向毛报告说: “主席,今年有一千万人死于饥荒。” 毛说: “不要紧, 继续干。” 第三年,两千万人死于饥荒。 毛最后说:“好吧。 我的这个主意和实验这也许不那么好。”

CHANG: When he was told that, you know, his people were dying of starvation, Mao said, “Educate the peasants to eat less. Thus they can benefit – they can fertilize the land."

张戎: 当人们告诉毛那些坏消息的时候,你知道吗? 就是成千上万的人死于饥荒的消息,毛泽东竟然冷冷地说: “叫那些农民少吃一点儿不就得了吗。 死人也有用啊,可以埋在地里肥田。”

BECK: Mao’s approach turned from brutal indifference to revenge. With the Cultural Revolution, his mission was to destroy both enemies and intellectuals.

戈: 毛后来从他残忍的冷漠转为无情的报复: 这就是为什么他发动了“文化大革命”。 他铁了心肠要消灭党内的敌人和党外的知识层以压抑所有的批评。

EDWARDS: Professors, teachers sat in the corner with the dunce cap on them. They were made to get down on all fours and bark like a dog.

李. 爱德华: 学校的教授和老师们被带了高帽子受辱被斗。 他们被(红卫兵)打骂下跪并被迫学狗叫。

BECK: Jung Chang and her family also found themselves in Mao’s crosshairs.

戈: 张戎的一家人也没有逃脱毛的罪恶罗网。

CHANG: My father was one of the few who stood up to Mao and protested the Cultural Revolution. My mother was under tremendous pressure to denounce my father. She refused. So as a result, my mother was made to kneel on broken glass. She was paraded in the streets where children spat at her face and threw stones at her. She was exiled to a camp.

张戎: 我父亲曾发言反对毛的“文化大革命”因而被斗。 我母亲被逼着去做声明与我父亲划清界限。 她拒绝了,因而被按到跪在碎玻璃片上。 她然后被游街示众。 孩子们往她脸上吐吐沫还用石头砸她。 后来她就被下放到一个劳改营去了。

BECK: When her father wrote to protest the Cultural Revolution, he paid the ultimate price.

戈: 由于张戎的父亲撰文反对文化大革命,他付出了最终的代价。

CHANG: My mother tried to stop him. My mother said, “Do you want to ruin the lives of our children?" So he said, you know, “What about the children of the victims?" As a result, “He was imprisoned, tortured, driven insane. He was exiled to a camp and died prematurely, very tragically.

张戎: 我母亲曾想阻止我父亲,让他不要发言。 我母亲说: “你想回了我们孩子们的一生吗?” 但我父亲说: “你有没有想想那些受害者的孩子们?” 就因为我父亲的直言,他就被捕入狱。 后来他受不了狱中的折磨就疯了。 他被送到一个劳改营,后来就悲惨地死在那儿了。

BECK: As a victim of Mao’s crushing rule, Jung Chang’s father was not alone.

戈: 在毛的铁腕统治下,张戎的父亲只是千千万万的无辜受害者之一。

EDWARDS: Some 65 million Chinese died under Maoist communism.

李. 爱德华: 最少有六千五百万人惨死在毛的共产极权之下。

CHANG: Mao just didn’t care. He said for all his projects to take off, half of China may well have to die.

张戎: 毛根本就不在乎有多少万人丧生。 他曾说过要实现他的社会主义宏图大业,死一半儿中国人也值得。

EDWARDS: By a ratio of three or four to one, you certainly can say that Mao is the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century.

李. 爱德华: 从无辜夭亡的人数来看,大概三倍到四倍于其他的专制者们,毫无疑问的毛可以被称为二十世纪里人类最大的杀人魔。

ANITA DUNN, FORMER WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa.

阿尼塔. 邓恩 (奥巴马白宫行政当局的联络主任): “我最崇敬热爱的两个政治哲人是 – 毛泽东和特里莎修女。”

BECK: Dunn’s comments, once again, highlight the odd treatment that leftist totalitarianism receives by too many in our society. Communism is something looked at as something we can borrow from liberally even today. But the truth is it’s among history’s most proficient killers.

阿尼塔. 邓恩的评语再一次揭示了一个怪诞病态的现象: 共产革命的独裁专制者们在我们美国社会被许多人崇拜吹捧。 共产主义邪恶的社会政策被这些人看作是可以被接受与采纳的。 但是历史真相告诉我们共产主义是人类历史上最具有欺骗性的、最有效的大规模虐杀无辜的邪恶理念。

EDWARDS: According to the black book of communism published by Harvard University Press, nearly 100 million people died under communism in the 20th century. It all flows out of this idea that the communists think that they can create a new society.

李. 爱德华: 哈佛大学出版的“共产主义黑皮书”中记录道: 在二十世纪中的共产主义的阴影下,大约一亿无辜丧生。 这个惨剧就是在那个良好的动机中被人们自己造成的: 那个所谓良好的动机就是“共产主义大政府就像上帝一样可以创造新人、新社会”。

And anybody who gets in their way, they will cut down, they will kill, they will imprison, and they will eliminate in pursuit of that goal.

在这个良好的动机下,结果(权力)就是一切。 谁要是有不同声音,谁就要被消灭,谁就要被杀掉,谁就要被送进监牢。 共产主义者们、社会主义者们会不择手段地灭绝一切以达到他们的目标。


BECK: With 100 million killed, communism exists in a very exclusive club, alongside with the planet’s worst communicable diseases like smallpox and bubonic plague. But it’s not just communism; it is the truth of any government with too much power.

戈: 一亿人被虐杀的纪录将共产主义邪恶理念的危害放到了一个人类特殊的位置: 它与那些最可怕的传染性疾病如天花与黑死病(鼠疫)一样对人类有着致命的威胁。 但这个威胁并不限于共产极权;任何失控的、自命救星的大政府都可能对人类有这样的潜在威胁。

Some government is necessary. Too much is suicidal. Every all- powerful government has elements of what Marx called the “revolutionary holocaust." The relentless pursuit of nirvana and the price it’s worth paying to get there in human life.

“被控、有限”的政府是必要的。 救星般的失控大政府则是致命的与自杀性的。 所有这样的大政府都有着马克思所预言的“共产革命大虐杀”的因素在里面。 那些“灭人欲/弊求天堂”的所谓“完美社会”是一定要被某些人无情地、逻辑地用杀人去建立的。

It is only understanding history that we can stop this from happening again and again and again.

只有我们真正地去正视与暴露历史的真相, 我们才能阻止历史的重演。

共产革命大虐杀 – 真相纪实(视频六)

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