

London’s Disability Rights Festival


Jelly Lee, David Lee


1. disabled:n 有殘疾的

2. underway: adj. 進行中的

3. disability: n. 殘疾

4. contribution: n. 貢獻

5. celebrate: v. 頌揚﹔讚美

6. stand up comedy: ph. 脫口秀;單人搞笑劇

We now go to the heart of London where our NTD correspondent takes us to a unique festival. It celebrates the talent and contribution of disabled artists to the city.


In London’s Trafalgar Square art on display is underway.


This is “Liberty”, a unique disability rights festival. Started seven years ago by the Mayor of London, it is a free event that celebrates the contribution of disabled artists to the community.


[Brian Oakaby, Manager, Events for London]: “Today there are performances by deaf and disabled artists, in dance, in music, in visual arts…we celebrate the contribution of all people. For this particular event, it recognizes that deaf and disabled people make a whole contribution to London’s culture and this event celebrates that.”


Liberty Festival offers a wide range of performances- from stand up comedy, aerial dance to theater. All performances are catching the attention and approval of entertainment seeking crowds- children and adults alike.



7. showcase:v 展現

8. surpass: v. 勝過﹔優於

9. the Mouth and Foot Artists Association: n. 口足藝術家協會

10. merit: n. 價值﹔優點

11. get off: ph. 動身;離開

12. bum: n. 屁股

[Jason Harris, Poet with Asperger syndrome]:“What we do here today is to showcase what people with disabilities can do. In fact they can do it so well you wouldn’t know they had disabilities. You could even say the professional standard at which they’re able to perform and arrange an event surpasses the normal able-bodied people.”


Tom Yendell is a member of the Mouth and Foot Artists Association. It has a membership of more than 700 artists from 77 countries around the world. Tom is proud that the association values his work for his artistic merit and not just for charity.


[Tom Yendell, Member, Mouth and Foot Artists Association]: “It’s all about ability and what people can do and not about the disability. It’s not about looking at what they can’t do, it’s about what you can do. You know, you look at our paintings, not everybody can paint beautiful paintings. So having a disability and being an artist, it shows able-bodied people, you know, get off your bum and try things you haven’t tried before.”



http://media.ntdtv.com/ebrief/news/20090908-wn-13-londons disability rights festival.flv
