黑椒牛仔骨 超好味又容易的家庭做法(視頻)



MamaCheung’s Black Pepper Beef Ribs, an easy to make but tasty dish!

材料(四人份量)Ingredients (4 people portion):

牛仔骨3件 3 slices of beef ribs.

牛仔骨的腌料: Marinade for the beef ribs:

黑椒碎半荼匙 Coarse black pepper 1/2 tsp

鹽半荼匙 Salt 1/2 tsp

五香粉四分一荼匙 Chinese five spice 1/4 tsp

黑椒汁: Black pepper sauce:

糖1荼匙 Sugar 1 tsp

鹽1/4荼匙 Salt 1/4 tsp

蠔油1湯匙 Oyster sauce 1 TBS

鷹栗粉2荼匙 Corn starch 2 tsp

老抽半荼匙 Dark soy 1/2 tsp

150g 洋蔥(切㓜絲) 150g Onion (Thinly sliced)

紅蔥頭(細粒)1湯匙 Shallots (diced): 1 TBS

蒜頭(細粒)1湯匙 Garlic (diced): 1 TBS

青椒(中粒) 2湯匙, 紅椒(中粒) 2湯匙 Green & Red bell pepper (diced): 2 TBS

水200毫升 200ml water



