【禁聞】中紀委稱樹倒根在 評: 火燒江門口





中國資深法學專家趙遠明: 「從中國現在來講也確實是這個樣子,中國的腐敗不是一兩個人的問題, 因為江澤民他以腐敗治國,我們都知道,他腐敗的吏治、腐敗的治國,那麼江澤民過去在位十幾年,退休之後又到處插手,尤其對幹部,他就是以腐敗為標準,你不腐敗他不提拔,所以說在中國幹部層,尤其是比較高層的幹部,往往腐敗很嚴重。」


趙遠明: 「那麼這樣上去之後,他要撈本嘛,因為買官花了幾百萬,上百萬這個錢來的也不乾淨,那麼花了之後,他要撈回來,在位的時候你怎麼整也不行,他也要冒風險,或者他這個錢回不來,他死不瞑目,睡覺都睡不安穩。 你這個社會風氣不改變,社會的制度不做根本的改變,你老的腐敗分子抓住了,新的腐敗分子又在逐漸的產生。」


時政評論員陳明慧: 「從1月3號江登海南的東山嶺,隨後的一系列事件,緊接著江綿恆被免去上海分院的院長 這期間還有一些江系人馬陸陸續續落馬,或者傳來一些負面的信息,這一系列的舉動,也是說明對江系的圍剿,網越收越緊,現在戰火已經燒到他家門口了。」






採訪編輯/李韻 後製/蕭宇

CCDI Probes the “Root of a Fallen Tree"

An article on the Central Discipline Inspection Commission ‘s

(CCDI) official website on Dec. 22 claimed that the anti-

corruption campaign is facing severe complications—

corruption has become an epidemic and the corrupt

are seeking ways out for a final struggle.

Critics believe the article serves as a warning to members of

the Jiang faction after many have fallen in the campaign.

It also suggests that Xi ‘s battle has reached

Jiang Zemin ‘s doorstep.

The CCDI article, ‘Anti-Corruption Disperses the Smog in

People ‘s Hearts ‘ describes how the last two years ‘ anti-graft

achievements have not eliminated the root of corruption.

Corrupt elements are still fighting for comeback

and the CCP is facing a severe and complicated situation.

The downfall of corrupt individuals such as Zhou Yongkang,

Xu Caihou, Ling Jihua, and Su Rong doesn ‘t mean an end to

the campaign, says the article, as the unhealthy trend could

resurge and corruption reoccur to an even worse level.

Zhao Yuanming, Senior Legal Expert: “It ‘s indeed the state in

China now; corruption does not involve one or two people."

“Jiang Zemin ‘s corruption-led governance for over 10 years

and his meddling in the regime after retirement has created

pervasive corruption among cadres—corruption was a basic

way of conduct—no corruption, no promotion."

“The higher the ranking, the more corrupt the official."

Zhao Yuanming says Jiang ‘s faction has been the main “tigers"

targeted in the anti-graft movement.

Its officials were promoted through the buying or selling of

official titles, bribery and sex scandals.

Zhao Yuanming: “They want to get their money back once

they get to top positions; they ‘ve paid several million yuan

for their titles and the money wasn ‘t clean either, but they

want it, and will take the risk, or else, they ‘re restless."

“Without changing the social climate, without fundamental

change of system, the senior corrupt elements will only be

replaced with new ones."

Current affairs commentator, Chen Minghui says Beijing has

been cutting down on the political influence of Jiang ‘s wings.

The “root of corruption" referred to by the CCDI article

should be a warning to Jiang ‘s faction.

Chen Minghui: “Jiang Zemin ‘s Dongshan Ridge trip on Jan. 3

being followed by his son, Jiang Mianheng ‘s dismissal as

the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai,

to the downfall of Jiang faction officials… it all suggests that

the net is tightening; it has reached Jiang ‘s doorstep."

On Jan. 6, Jiang Mianheng was dismissed as the president of

the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai branch;

and on Jan. 8, online information revealed that Wang Rong—

Jiang’s wife Wang Yeping ‘s nephew—had been removed

from his post as Shenzhen Party secretary.

Zhang Jinchang, former chief of Barracks and Housing in

the General Logistics Department, revealed in the magazine,

Yanhuang Chunqiu, that there was collusion between Jiang ‘s

former secretary, Jia Tingan and Wang Shouye.

Wang, the former deputy commander of the Navy,

was sacked in 2006.

On Jan. 19, WeChat public member, zhengzhiju posted

an article on Jiang Mianheng ‘s political and business life.

Critics believe the incident repeated the same pattern as

when Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua was sacked

and signals that Xi Jinping is targeting Shanghai

in his anti-graft probe.

In fact, Beijing started attacking Jiang ‘s lair in 2014, with

central inspection teams stationed in Shanghai and Jiangsu,

Jiang ‘s political center and birth place, respectively.

Numerous high officials have been sacked from Shanghai

and Jiangsu, as well as in sectors where Jiang and his son

were employed, such as the automotive FAW Group

and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

On Jan. 15, an individual calling himself “Deep Throat" from

the General Political Department told media that

when Jiang ‘s cronies in the army, Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong

were both vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission,

the entire army ‘s titles were clearly labeled with a price tag;

an official title as a general cost tens-of-millions of yuan

(about US $1.6-million) and a division level title cost millions

(about $160,000).

Xu Caihou was sacked last June.

On Jan. 20, pro-Xi Jinping media, Caixin, reported that “tigers"

at a military rank similar to, or higher than Xu will be sacked.

It ‘s believed to be directed at Guo Boxiong, and it ‘s foreseen

that the army “tiger hunt" will not end with Guo and Xu.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/XiaoYu
