【禁聞】鳳凰網被查處 項莊舞劍意在沛公?



















採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美

Phoenix TV Websites Punished

The Communist State Council Internet Information Office

recently punished eight websites for allegedly publishing

“vulgar contents".

Among them, the Phoenix, also known as ifeng.com,

who often spoke up for the Jiang faction and criticized

Xi Jinping’s “tiger hunt" campaign.

This punishment was analyzed as a warning to media

from Xi Jinping who wants the pro-Jiang media to behave.

The state Internet regulator recently punished eight Chinese

portal sites such as ifeng.com, sina.com and qq.com,

that intentionally published and hype up vulgar information.

The regime mouthpiece, Xinhua, reported the punishment

is to stop the spreading of erotic and vulgar information.

Accordingly, investigation of complaints found

Chinese Web channels had published large amounts

of vulgar videos and pictures, imposing bad influence

on the public.

They are ifeng.com, sina.com, 17173.com, Ku6.com,

pptv.com and qq.com.

The state regulator’s statement said websites iqiyi.com

and sohu.com were also problematic.

Sichuan activist Huang Qi believed vulgar content

is indeed harmful.

However, Huang Qi also commented that the regime

has manipulated the so-called vulgar contents

to expand its suppression and conduct selective law

enforcement, reported Radio Free Asia.

Internet writer Gu Zhijian also indicates

this selective punishment of Web sites has been continuous.

Gu Zhijian: “In fact, the Communist regime has never stopped

the Internet censorship;

These websites have never stopped self-censoring.

My personal Sina blog has been closed several times, simply

due to my article commemorating the June 4 Massacre.

It is all for tighter control of expression."

Internet writer Jing Chu: “The main purpose is to punish

political rhetoric that offends the regime.

This is an old routine, in the name of disciplining websites

to deprive public speech."

Jing Chu says the regime is worried about the Internet

because online flow of information is fast and hard to control.

Jing Chu: “It is different from the CCP mouthpiece.

The party’s mouthpiece is a watchdog by the gate of the party.

It bites when the party asks it to, and as many times

as the party wants it to.

The free flow of the Internet has been a big concern

to the CCP.

The punishments from time to time are warnings

from the regime.

It is a routine.

There is nothing to be surprised about."

The local Internet regulators have shut down six

of the eight websites.

People in charge of the websites have been punished.

Analysts point out the reality of ifeng.com being listed

first among the eight websites.

The Phoenix has been known to be pro-Jiang.

Its CEO, Liu Changle, has a military background.

Phoenix being placed on the top of the punishment list

is not as simple as a crackdown on pornography.

Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao:

“It is related to the internal power struggles.

The anti-corruption and power struggles have been

relatively tense recently as demonstrated by censorship

of major Chinese websites.

In fact, power struggles have constantly been demonstrated

in the name of economic issues or anti-porn."

On Oct. 24, ifeng.com published an article regarding

two toad-catchers in Jilin Province.

They quit their job after twice being attacked by a tiger

in the northeastern region.

The article described the embarrassment the two workers

have encountered.

This article immediately drew much criticism

about its hidden meaning, due to the former CCP leader

Jiang Zemin’s nickname being “toad".

People often manipulate the term ‘toad’ to refer to Jiang.

A blog by the finance.ifeng.com on Nov. 27, stated,

“Those who are stupid enough to ride on the tiger

to seek power will eventually be swallowed by the tiger."

Public information shows that ifeng.com is under

the Hong Kong Phoenix TV Group.

Phoenix TV shareholders include Liu Changle, China Mobile,

and Shanghai United Investment.

Jiang’s eldest son Jiang Mianheng is the chairman of SUI.

The power struggle within the Communist Party

is a well known fact.

The dissolute corrupt CCP officials are the root

of the vulgar phenomenon, as pointed out by the people.

To punish a few websites will not correct

the chaotic social phenomenon.

In fact, CCP mouthpiece websites are also filled with

a significant number of “vulgar", even “pornographic content".

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Huang Yimei
