【禁聞】數招肢解地方債 30萬億誰買單?


【新唐人2014年11月04日訊】10月底,中共要求各地財政部門,以政府與社會資本合作的 PPP模式,也就是所謂的「公共私營合作制」,將政府債務轉為企業債務。同時,還提出了一份草案,允許地方政府發行地方債來償還舊債。中共人大常委承認,高達30萬億的地方債務,已經成為威脅中國經濟發展、社會穩定和政治安全的重要因素。而專家則指出,目前這種做法,就是讓社會大眾為這種威脅買單。















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/舒燦

Who Will Pay for the $3 Trillion Local Government Debts?

Beijing will encourage localities to use a Public-Private-

Partnership (PPP) model to help fresh fundraising.

This is to resolve outstanding local government debts.

In a finance draft, it would let local governments issue

fresh municipal bonds to replace borrowings.

The Communist Congress Standing Committee confirmed

the outstanding $3 trillion local debts.

These have threatened the economy, social stability

and political security.

Experts believe its current model is to force the public

to buy the bill.

On Oct. 28, the Chinese Ministry of Finance issued a

statement requesting local governments to use the PPP

model to finance new public sector projects with private

capital to reduce financing pressure on local governments.

These local governments debts are required to be repaid by

the local governments.

The implementation of the PPP model will dissolve more

than $1.4 trillion of local debts.

The statement also claimed that debt converted into

corporate bonds under the PPP model will not be

categorized as local government debt. Projects under

construction must be given priority to use the PPP model.

Chinese financial think tank researcher Gong Shengli: “These

local enterprises are limited liability companies.

The government will certainly hold no responsibility

for these companies’ debts.

In the end, people will be forced to pay for the debts."

In August, the Congress Standing Committee Yin Zhongqing

explained the risks of local government debts.

He told China Economic Weekly that the debts could have

exceeded $3 trillion with prominent hidden debts.

Local government debts have entered the period of


Now they threaten the sustaining development of economy,

social stability and political security.

Sources told Reuters that the Finance Ministry has a draft

to issue local bonds to resolve local debts.

Reuters reported that opponents of the scheme say that by

issuing municipal bonds to replace existing fundraising tools

will require a massive expansion of China’s new municipal

bond market.

US-based economic commentator Ma Jiesen: “The mix of

local government bonds of good and bad will allow the

people to help the local governments to go through the

most difficult times. Later, the regime will print money.

On the surface, the interests are paid, but in fact,

the actual benefits don’t exist for the people."

Issuance of local bonds is a violation of the Chinese law.

China banned local governments from raising money

through bond sales in 1994.

The 1995 Security Law also restricted the state government

from acting as guarantor.

But since 1997, local government debt grew by more than

20% annually.

In 1998, in particular, debt grew nearly 50% from 1997 and,

in 2009 debts grew by more than 60% from the previous year.

Reuters also questioned the local bonds market for its lower

interest rate than the state bonds.

Ma Jiesen: “It was to deceive the people. There is no way the

local government bonds would have lower interest rates

than the state bonds. It is impossible according to the regular

financial philosophy.

State bonds have the lowest interest rates

for the state will not collapse."

Some analysts believe the lower interest rate of local bonds

was probably due to the high domestic ratings given

by rating agencies, or the collusion between the issuers

and the state-owned banks.

Analysts also told Reuters that domestic state-owned banks

may still be reliable buyers of new debt.

Ma Jiesen: “Banks will not hold on to these risky stocks.

It will eventually be transferred to the people.

The banks will buy it and package it under a good name,

with very low interest but as many bad debts.

In the end, people pay for the bill."

Yin Zhongqing noted that local government debts are issues

resulting from prolonged systematic factors and long-term

economic stimulus plans.

He said that even implementation of strict financial rules will

not resolve many local debts through rollover to new debts.

In fact, some local governments have already gone bankrupt

according to the market rule.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ShuCan
