【禁聞】兩個失業率打擂臺 發改委刪數據






《華爾街日報》評論說,中國真實的失業率是一個國家機密。北京領導人每個月審視一個單獨的就業調查,但是這個數據通常不公布。在四月份,一名官員說漏嘴,說失業率是 5.17%,這比官方公布的數字高出一個百分點。









採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

The CCP Replaced The Five Percent Unemployment Rate Report With A Four Percent Version

On Friday, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Ministry

of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) said

that the registered unemployment rate will be 4.08 percent

in Chinese cities by the end of 2014 second quarter.

The figure is 1 percent lower than that announced earlier

by the CCP’s National Development and Reform

Commission (NDRC).

Strange is that the NDRC quickly deleted reports

about the previously announced number.

Economists comment that the CCP’s official urban

unemployment rate is meaningless as it is always

around 4 percent and never changes no matter

how China’s economy looks.

One day before the MOHRSS announced China’s quarter two

unemployment rate, the Wall Street Journal published

an article saying the CCP’s official unemployment rate

is widely regarded as a meaningless number.

The report says the number almost never changes

under any circumstances.

The number announced by the CCP only counts for those

employees registered at local social welfare center,

and does not take into account the large group

of migrant workers.

Xie Zuoshi, Professor at Zhejiang University of Finance

and Economics: “Our overall unemployment rate is always

around 4 percent these years, no matter how

the economy looks.

Therefore whether the number is real or not,

our people are in doubt of it.

In addition, the number refers to 『registered urban


Migrant workers from the countryside are not

included in that system.

In this sense, our employment rate is defined differently

then the one used in the world.

The index is thus not a comprehensive or accurate indication

of China’s economic situation.”

In 2008, the global financial crisis destroyed 30 million jobs

in China’s manufacturing industry.

However, the official employment rate saw little increase.

However, China’s real employment picture was clearly

shown by the massive home rush of migrant workers.

The Wall Street Journal article commented that China’s

real unemployment rate is a “state secret.”

Beijing’s party leaders look at an independent employment

report every month, which is never made public.

In April, a CCP official spilled the beans when he said

the unemployment rate was 5.17 percent.

A number 1 percent higher than that which was

previously announced.

The CCP premier Li Keqiang also mentioned the figure

in a column published last September.

Li said China’s unemployment rate was five percent

in the first half of 2013.

Last Wednesday, the CCP’s NDRC announced that

by late June the urban unemployment rate among

31 major Chinese cities was 5.05 percent.

This was the first time that the CCP officially announced

urban unemployment statistics.

The NDRC said the rate had dropped

for four consecutive months.

However, the news was later removed from

the NDRC website and was no longer available online.

Xie Zuoshi, professor at Zhejiang University of Finance

and Economics, says a drop in the unemployment rate

in the last four months does not conform

to what the Chinese public sees.

All of Xie’s friends were talking about layoffs

during the period.

Xie Zuoshi: “Now we have economic troubles

and the unemployment rate should rise in such case.

Therefore our people are in doubt of the authenticity

of the number, as it complete deviates from their intuitions.

Yesterday I had dinner together with several

enterprise managers.

All of them were talking about layoffs.

One of them said if nothing turns around in the next

two months he would have to fire 100 employees.”

Assistant Director of Beijing Unirule Institute of Economics

Duan Shaoyi comments on the NDRC’s taking back

of its unemployment rate report.

Duan says probably a rate of five percent was still

too “dazzling” for the CCP officials.

Duan Shaoyi: “The reason is, the unemployment rate

not only reflects the economic situation, but also relates

to the local official’s political record.

The CCP always has concerns over the effect

of those indicators on social stability.

If the reported unemployment rate is too high,

Chinese civilians will grow more discontent with the CCP.

Therefore they don’t want to publicly reveal

the real figures.”

Cnstock.com, a Chinese stock website, reported that a record

high 7.27 million will graduate from Chinese colleges

this year.

This makes 2014 “the most difficult year to find a job.”

The CCP’s MOHRSS spokesman Li Zhong says 970,000 job

applicants successfully signing contracts with employers

during the first half of 2014.

Among those applicants, only 560,000 are college graduates,

which is only seven percent of 7,270,000.

With less than 10 percent of graduates getting jobs,

the employment pressure is unprecedentedly huge.

On July 21, Australian magazine Business Spectator

published an article about China’s unemployment rate

and labor shortage.

The article estimates the unemployment rate in 102 major

Chinese cities according to a nationwide labor survey

as well as statistics from job placement services.

The author finds that, “The unemployment rate,

including rural migrants in major cities in the first quarter

of 2014, is 8.7 percent; excluding them is 6.9 percent.”

“Unemployment rates before the first quarter of 2014

are also close to these numbers, suggesting

the continued high unemployment rate.”

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/XiaoYan
