【禁聞】習宋會唔 陸媒不提「四個體諒」


【新唐人2014年05月08日訊】習宋會唔 陸媒不提「四個體諒」













香港《東方日報》也引述醫院方面消息說,收治的受傷男性嫌疑人, 25歲,身中3槍,是少數民族。而廣州天河區公安局內部協查通報也聲稱,另有一名持長刀,身高約一米八七,戴白色回族帽的疑犯在逃。有消息說,警方當晚到 新疆人聚居的三元裡調查涉案人員,因此不排除另有兇徒在逃。


Mainland Media Ignore Soong’s Call for Better Understanding

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi

Jinping met Taiwanese People First Party Chairman James

Soong in Beijing on May 7.

Responding to Xi Jinping’s “four noes” policy towards

Taiwan, Soong brought up the “four understandings”,

praising the Sunflower student movement in March as

decades of successful civic education in Taiwan.

Xi Jinping’s “four noes”’ principle insists there are no changes

in the cross-strait relations in terms of peaceful development,

mutual benefit, unification of compatriots from both sides, and

prohibiting Taiwan independence and separatist conspiracies.

James Soong’s “four understandings” demand the CCP must

understand Taiwan better in terms of grassroots voices, the

SMEs expectations, the autonomy of the civic consciousness,

and the local consciousness of Taiwanese compatriots.

However, mainland media have unanimously reported only

Xi’s “four noes”’ and particularly emphasized it will never

waver in its determination to prevent Taiwan’s independence.

Soong’s “four understandings” were completely omitted.

Vietnamese and Chinese Ships Collide on South China Seas

As the dispute surrounding oil drilling in the South China Sea

continues between China and Vietnam, boats from both sides

collided on May 7.

The BBC reported, Vietnamese officials said on Wednesday

that the Chinese ships intentionally rammed their vessels.

Water cannons were aimed at the Vietnamese ships,

and several sailors were injured.

The incident happened as the Vietnamese navy was trying to

prevent the Chinese ships from setting up an oil rig in an area

claimed by both nations, said the BBC.

Sources said the collision occurred in the south Xisha Islands

where the oil rigs are located.

Hong Kong Media: Several Guangzhou Attack Suspects.

Guangzhou police reported that only one suspect was

involved in the Railway Station attack.

However, the identity of the suspect and the motive of the

attack wasn’t released.

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao Daily News reported sources close

to Guangzhou police said, suspects were several Uighurs.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily quoted hospital sources saying

that the suspect admitted to hospital was a 25 year old from

an ethnic minority group with three gunshot wounds.

Guangzhou Public Security Bureau internal notice also

reported another suspect with a long knife and a white

Muslim cap was still at large.

Sources said that the police also searched the area where

the locals gather.

It is very likely that another suspect is still missing.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
