【禁聞】清洗整軍 七大軍區司令齊表效忠






而美國《紐約時報》稍早報導了:習近平反腐運動觸及解放軍高級將領,包括曾經擔任軍委副主席的徐才厚上將。其中提到:3月31號被提起公訴的原總後勤部副部長谷俊山「 供出了幾乎所有人」。






據英國《金融時報》的最新報導,三位知情人士披露,中共前黨魁江澤民3月向習近平發出了明確的信號,他說:「這場反腐敗運動的步伐不能搞得太快。」而徐才厚曾被江澤民視為「 軍中愛將」。有評論指說:徐是江在軍中的代言人。







採訪編輯/唐音 後製/陳建銘

Seven Regional Military Commanders Swear Loyalty to Xi Jinping.

Seven regional military commanders in the People’s

Liberation Army (PLA) have voiced loyalty to the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) leadership on the same day.

This rare act for the first time in 35 years

has suddenly attracted public attention.

Scholars and experts analyze that this is due to the

current leader purge to consolidate it’s power in the army.

Let’s see our report.

On April 2, PLA Daily published a lengthy report on

18 active PLA active generals and lieutenant generals.

They have vowed their support to Chinese President,

Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping.

It became headline news in all media that evening.

Those who expressed their loyalty include;

Army Air Force General Ma Xiaotian;

seven military regions commanders; leaders of

the General Staff, General Political Department,

General Logistics Department and

General Armament Department;

as well as the armed police, navy, Second Artillery Corps,

National Defense University, Academy of Military Sciences,

and National Defense Science and Technology University.

Hong Kong media reported that it was the

first time in 35 years after the Deng Xiaoping

resurfaced as leader in the late 1970s.

The New York Times reported that Xi Jinping’s anti-

corruption movement has touched senior PLA officers.

This includes former Vice-Chairman of the

Central Military Commission, Xu Caihou.

It reported that Gu Junshan, former Deputy Chief

of the PLA General Logistics department, “gave up

information on just about everyone" in the investigation.

“In internal speeches, Mr. Xi has railed against a

wider ‘Gu Junshan phenomenon’ of military corruption"

Xi has threatened to bring down

both “large and small Gu Junshans".

The former VP of the PLA Institute of Chemical

Defense, Major General Xu Guangyu, commented.

The high-profile declaration of PLA leaders

is related to the military anti-corruption.

It is also related to difficulties in layoffs and a movement

to comprehensively deepen reforms in the army.

Cai Yongmei, Hong Kong’s Open Magazine Editor

analyzes the CCP army will purge a group of generals.

It will combine Xi Jinping’s role as the leader of “deepening

national defense and army reforms" as of mid-March.

Cai Yongmei, Open Magazine editor: “I think

the main target is the army, to rectify the army.

There is more than just Xu Caihou behind Gu Junshan.

There are many powerful people in the army.

So he needs everyone to take his stance in

order to consolidate his power in the military."

Liu Yinquan, historian and overseas democracy activist:

“There are deep-rooted and powerful forces in the military.

Those who were given up by Gu Junshan, such Xu Caihou,

and Guo Tingan are likely to be detained and interrogated.

The oath of those military heads will threaten certain people.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning

Post cited two military sources.

They suggest that Beijing gave up the investigation of

corruption on Xu Caihou because he has advanced cancer.

It is analyzed that the CCP wanted Xu Caihou to

run his own course, like former Shanghai Mayor

Huang Ju, to reduce the impact on the regime."

According to the latest report in the Financial Times,

sources said former CCP leader Jiang Zemin

sent a clear signal in March to Xi Jinping.

This was to rein in his anti-corruption campaign.

Xu Caihou was regarded as a favorable army crony

of Jiang, and as Jiang’s spokesman in the military.

Cai Yongmei believes that the military leaders are

eager to take their stance to secure themselves.

Cai Yongmei: “The military heads are eager

to show their loyalty in fear of being implicated.

That stands for both sides.

Surely, lots of military forces will draw a line, and have a

clear line with opponents in order to protect themselves."

A few days before the seven military commanders stated

their loyalty, tens of thousands of people demonstrated

and marched in front of the municipal government, against

a petrochemical project in Maoming, Guangdong Province.

This happened as Xi Jinping was visiting Europe.

Local Maoming authorities dispatched tanks and

field army to violently crackdown on the protest.

Video footage clearly shows soldiers firing.

Based in Hong Kong, the Sun reported that as a

result, the crackdown has killed 15 and injured 300.

The authorities also suppressed similar

protests in Dalian, Xiamen and Kunming.

Observers say this was one of the few times tanks

and firearms have been used to suppress protests

in 25 years, since the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.

This was another shocking disaster in China

after the March 1 Kunming stabbing incident.

Liu Yinquan: “This is very unusual. Typically, they would not

intensify the conflict, which could discredit Xi’s leadership.

Why did they use tanks on a peaceful

demonstration? Why did they open fire?

I feel the commander was deliberately intensifying the conflict."

Overseas critics analyze that both high-profile Chinese

military allegiance and bloody repression of protestors

have only further demonstrated internal chaos in the CCP.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Chen Jianming
