【禁聞】談南海爭端 菲總統諷中共似納粹



















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

President of The Philippines Likens China Territorial Disputes to Nazi Germany

Territorial disputes over the East China Sea

and South China Sea are intensifying in Asia.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had described

these increasing tensions between China and Japan as

similar to those between Germany and Britain in 1914.

The Philippines President Benigno Aquino is now

reported to have compared China’s efforts to claim

these territories with the actions of Nazi Germany.

Commentators further this statement, discussing

how the crimes committed by the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) outweigh those of Nazism.

The CCP has killed its own

people and sold Chinese territory.

President Aquino spoke at a press conference

about the statement he was reported to have made.

This conference was held at The Philippines

presidential palace on February 5.

President Aquino claimed that he mentioned Hitler

just to answer questions, and cited historical facts.

He had no intention to offend China in his interview.

The interview in question was with

The New York Times on February 4.

In the interview, Aquino compared China and its aggressive

approach in Southeast Asia to those of Nazi Germany.

Han Liang, Chongqing activist: “The Communist Party

of China (CCP) is 100 times worse than the Nazis.

Nazi Germany treated its own nation well,

while it conducted crimes against humanity

against the Jews and minority groups.

The CCP however, acts against

its own people, and its own nation.

The cruelty is far more than that

of the fascists and the Nazis.”

In the 60 years of ruling over China, the

CCP has destroyed countless Chinese lives.

It has conducted a series of movements and

caused unjust deaths of at least 80 million citizens.

This is equivalent to the total number

of deaths in the two world wars.

Chongqing activist Han Liang indicates that even Japanese

soldiers weren’t as cruel to Chinese as the CCP has been.

Japanese soldiers killed, burned, robbed,

and raped during the Sino-Japanese war.

Han Liang: “The Japanese soldiers did not rape

minors. Many CCP officials are known to rape minors.

They rob our property to provide international funds.

North Korea received several hundred million from us,

and yet, we can’t afford a decent life or medical care.”

Aquino urged the international community

not to make the mistake of appeasing China.

He called on nations around the world to do more

to support The Philippines in resisting China’s

assertive claims to the seas near his country.

The Philippines President amplified

his call for international backing.

He likened this situation to that in 1938, when the West failed

to intervene against Germany in support of Czechoslovakia.

The Sudetenland was finally given up, in an

attempt to appease Hitler, and prevent World War.

Zhu Xinxin, a former editor for Hebei People’s

Radio, agrees with Aquino’s warning.

CCP authoritarian rule can be described

asanti-civilization and against humanity.

It acts solely for the security of its regime.

Zhu Xinxin: “When necessary, it can sell

Chinese territory and betray the interests of China.

When it acts to secure the regime, it will assume

an aggressive posture against outside forces.

It’s policy is only about the interest of

the CCP, not the country or the people.”

In recent years, China has engaged in sovereignty

disputes with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands.

It has entered into disputes over the South China

Sea with The Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Han Liang doesn’t believe the CCP cares about sovereignty.

It is only to divert attention and to deceiving Chinese people.

Han Liang: “Several million square kilometers of land was

given to Russia. It even gave land to Vietnam and India.

There has never been any ruler who would care less

about its land, but make it a hot issue with minor cases.”

In 2010, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported the list of land

that the CCP had given up since it’s rule began in 1949.

This amounted to several million square kilometers.

Listed in this report was land equivalent

to an area 110 times the size of Taiwan.

This was sold to India and Russia

by former Party leader Jiang Zemin.

In the 1950s, the CCP acknowledged

the independence of Outer Mongolia.

It also allowed early 3 million square

kilometers of land to be usurped by Russia.

In April 2005, in a report on Sino-Japanese relations,

the CCP Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing commented.

“The Diaoyu Islands, with a total area of just 5.3 square

kilometers, has no fresh water nor permanent residents.

Actual control of this land does not make sense.”
