【禁聞】美:放了許志永! 環時拋社評 挨轟


【新唐人2014年01月25日訊】本週三上午,中國最具影響力的法律活動人士許志永,被控「聚眾擾亂公共場所秩序」一案,在北京市第一中級人民法院開庭審理,許多外國媒體都遭到中共強制阻止採訪。 美國國務院副發言人和美國駐中國大使駱家輝,相繼呼籲中共當局立即釋放許志永等人。中共黨媒《人民日報》旗下的《環球時報》則在深夜拋出社評,指摘西方政府官員影響許志永案判決的意願「相當突出」,引來外界的進一步批評聲浪。

美國國務院副發言人瑪瑞•哈福(Marie Harf),22號在國務院的例行記者會中,呼籲中共當局立即釋放許志永等人,停止對他們行動自由的任何限制,並保證他們在國際人權的承諾下,應當享有的保護和自由。



23號,《環球時報》在深夜2點多悄然推出一篇社評,聲稱要所謂的依法審理許志永案,並反對「立場先行」。社評說,許志永等人不會因為 「新公民運動」遭到審判,而是因涉嫌犯有「聚眾擾亂公共場所秩序罪」。










但有網友轉發張慶方律師的說法,「 一切都是預定好的!」因為許志永案一開完庭,法院就發了宣判通知。

採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/李智遠

China State Media Criticize International Calls to Release Xu Zhiyong

Influential Chinese legal activist Xu Zhiyong was on trial

in Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court on Wednesday.

Xu Zhiyong was facing charges of

“gathering crowds to disrupt public order.”

On the day, the Chinese Communist Party

turned down many foreign media interviews.

Marie Harf, the U.S. State Department Deputy

Spokesperson, and Gary Locke, U.S. Ambassador

to China, both called on the Chinese authorities to

immediately release Xu Zhiyong and other activists.

China’s state-controlled media Global Times

accused the West of trying to influence the verdict,

by putting pressure on the Chinese regime.

Marie Harf, U.S. State Department spokeswoman expressed

concern about Xu’s trial in a daily briefing on January 22.

“We obviously call on the Chinese authorities to

release him and other political prisoners immediately.

To cease any restrictions on their freedom of

movement, and guarantee them the protections

and freedoms to which they are entitled under

China’s international human rights commitments.”

On January 23, U.S. Ambassador to China,

Gary Locke also issued a statement.

He criticized “the mistreatment" of foreign

journalists trying to cover the Xu trial.

He called on the Chinese authorities to release

Xu, and other political prisoners immediately.

Mr Locke described the court case as a seeming are

retribution for their public campaign to expose corruption

of officials, and for the peaceful expression of their views.

These prosecutions are the latest in a series

of arrests of public interest lawyers, internet

activist journalists, religious leaders, and others.

These people peacefully challenge

official policies and actions in China.

On January 23, Global Times issued an editorial, claiming

the court will strictly comply with the law during the trial.

It said, “it’s a misleading thought to forcefully connect

Xu’s movement, and his trial, as cause and effect.

Xu’s advocacies are a matter of politics and public

opinion, which are not the business of the court.

However, the court will function

if public order is disrupted.”

Li Yiping, activist and writer: “It’s a misleading concept.

It states that Xu Zhiyong has committed a crime.

However, it didn’t explain how Xu has committed

a crime by demanding officials to declare their

property, as part of exposing corruption?

Why is it against the law to walk on the street with a banner?

What kind of law is it to deprive citizens of

their minimum rights? It is draconian law.”

The Global Times editorial also said that, “Xu’s case

drew wide attention from the West, and they blamed

the Chinese government for suppressing dissidents.

The West tried to influence the verdict by

putting pressure on the Chinese government.”

Liu Xiaoyuan, Beijing human rights lawyer:

“This statement is clearly unjustified.

The United States has for years been

concerned about human rights in China,

and not just in the case of Xu Zhiyong.”

Hu Jia, activist: “By connecting this case

to foreign ‘anti-China forces’ is, in fact, to

mislead public opinion, and to distort facts.

Those who engaged in the New Citizens Movement

are acting exactly in line with public opinion.

It is widely supported internationally. More importantly,

they have also gained widespread domestic support.”

Activist Hu Jia criticizes that the official opinions such

as the Global Times editorials have become jokes.

Hu Jia: “I think they have brought exactly the opposite effect,

even though some people may have been partly blinded.

However, the CCP is losing its credibility.

Pretty soon, its lies will be fully exposed,

and no one will be fooled any longer.”

Writer Li Yiping cautions that China is like a patient.

The violation of human rights is just it’s syndrome.

The illness is Communism, as well as

the interest groups guarding Communism.

Li Yiping: “Everyone is talking about the syndrome.

But we need to find the cure to eliminate the illness.

Criticism will lead to the same result, that is,

the syndrome will continue and happen again.

I’d like to emphasize it is time to eradicate the system,

and to eradicate the interest groups that guard the system.

It is time.”

On January 24, Xu Zhiyong’s defense attorney

Zhang Qingfang spoke to the BBC Chinese network.

Xu Zhiyong’s case has been notified by the

Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court.

The sentencing of the hearing on the morning of January 26.

However, a netizen posted what

attorney Zhang Qingfang had said.

“Everything was setup!”

The court has issued a verdict notice at

the end of Xu Zhiyong’s court hearing.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/WangZiqi Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
