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採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘

Zhang Weiying was Banned for Criticizing the

Planned Economy after Award

Peking University Economics Professor Zhang Weiying, was

recently awarded, the “most influential economist of the year"

by the media.

In his acceptance speech he said economists must have an

independent spirit, which can really have a social impact.

He also said that a “planned economy" has resulted in a

great disaster for human history.

This speech has been forced-out by the

Chinese Communist Party’s CCPs propaganda department.

His Weibo account has also disappeared.

On the 16th December, the 2014 economists Annual Meeting

from NetEase was held in Beijing.

Former Chairman Alan Greenspan, Nobel laureate Thomas

Sargent, economist Mao Yushi, Zhang Weiying from China, and

entrepreneur Zong Qinghou, Liu Yonghao in total, 60 people

exchanged idea regarding China’s situation after the Third Plenary

Session of the eighth CPC Centre committee.

On the same day, Peking University Economics Professor

Zhang Weiying was awarded the most influential economist

of the year.

Zhang Weiying’s acceptance speech, “economists need real

independent spirit" is currently banned by the authorities.

18, Zhang Weiying reiterated during a New Tang Dynasty TV,

(NTD TV) interview that economists should have their own

views to influence society, but it is especially hard to

insist upon the independent spirit in China.

Peking University Economics professor Zhang Weiying:

there is a variety of temptations in reality

including some political problems.

So I specially stressed that it is not easy to insist

upon having an independent spirit in China.

I think the biggest reason that people can’t express

themselves freely is because of repressed opinion and speech.

In Zhang Weiying’s acceptance speech, he said that a third of

the population in the world is running under a planned economy

system for the long term.

It was once thought that a planned economy can bring the

greatest benefit for people; but it is quite a wrong idea as

we know now.

Zhang Weiying: It is because the planned economy itself

deprives of human freedom.

It does not respect human rights, including property rights and

strangles people’s creativity.

In fact, our human development and life improvement

all rely on creativity.

The planned economy killed off people’s creativity,

people’s initiative and motivation.

So it is unlikely to benefit human beings.

In China, the planned economy has been monopolized

for the long-term.

Zhang Weiying pointed out that the initial planned economy

was born out of a wrong idea that people pursued equality and

believed that planned economy could solve inequality.

But in fact, there is more inequality between people,

because of a planned economy.

Zhang Weiying: Such inequality is not result of a free trading

market, but of privilege and a monopoly on power.

Later, once an erroneous idea becomes a system, it will

generate some vested interests.

So those vested interests will try to maintain such

a system rigorously.

Zhang Weiying said under a planned economy, people are living

below the poverty line and even in great misery.

Zhang Weiying: the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural

Revolution in China resulted in thousands of people,

losing their lives.

For sure, it is a very big disaster in human history.

The same as in the Soviet Union, people lived in a subdued

atmosphere with food and supplies in high shortage

and nothing was free.

It’s a big disaster for humans comparing it to the free world.

Zhang Weiying noted that there is an inextricable connection

between a planned economy and dictatorship because

implementing a planned economy must deprive personal freedom.

Weiying: It’s impossible to direct an individual by government

without depriving his liberty.

People always want to make their own choices freely.

If one is free to express, seek employment, open a factory or

enterprises, the planned economy will not exist.

In the 1980s, Zhang Weiying was working at the Institute of

China Economic System Reforms which belongs to the state

commission for structural reforms.

In 1994, he was the Peking University Associate Professor

of the China Economic Research Center,

in 1997 he was promoted to professor.

In 1999, Zhang Weiying was at the Peking University

Guanghua Management School as vice president and was

promoted to president in 2006 and stepped down in 2010.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Chen Jianming
