【禁聞】房價一路飆漲 中共獲利超7成﹗?













美國南卡羅萊納大學艾肯商學院教授 謝田:「這些國企地產業首腦或者高級管理人員都是中共政府的官員、中共政府任命的,他們和中共實際上是互相利用、互相補充的關係。國企是中共賺錢的機器,而中共給國企提供了一種壟斷性運作的機制。」







採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

China Taxes Push Property Prices Up 70%

Despite four years of legislation in an attempt try

to rein in property prices in China, they keep soaring.

Since the beginning of 2012, Beijing’s

housing prices have escalating for 20 months.

In September this year, prices rose by 20.6%.

Chinese real estate claims taxes

accounted for 70% of the costs.

That means that the regime absorbs at least

70% of the high costs paid by the buyers.

The following is our news report.

In October, among 70 cities in China, first-tier cities

experienced more than 20% property appreciation.

21 cities had more than 10% appreciation

rate, and only one city had a drop in price.

According to state-controlled China Central Television

(CCTV) Chinese property developers have failed to

pay at least 3.8 trillion yuan ($624 billion) in land taxes.

This has happened during a period between 2005 and 2012.

In the CCTV reports on the black hole in land

appreciation tax (LAT), 45 firms were named.

They include SOHO, China Vanke, and Huayuan.

12 of these firms have denied the accusations.

On the evening of November 24, Ren Zhiqiang,

CEO of Huayuan Group, denied the reports

and vowed to file a lawsuit against CCTV.

Ren Xiang explains property prices include

70% of taxes, and accounts for more than

180 different types of fees and charges.

In November 2012, during a west coast real

estates conference, well-known economist

Larry Hsien Ping Lang commented on this.

“If you take out all the taxes,

China’s property will drop by 70%.”

Ren Zhongdao, financial analyst: “Prices are too high.

People of course complain, leading to more and more

mass protests, and no one wants to take the blame.

That’s why the hidden causes are being exposed.”

Reuters reported on data from China’s Finance Ministry.

Government land revenues rose 50 percent

from the previous year, to 2.7 trillion yuan

during the first nine months of this year.

Reuters calculated that the Beijing’s regime has sold 14.9

million square meters of land in the first 10 months this year.

This year, revenue from land

sales doubled to 120 billion yuan.

This is in comparison to last year’s 65 billion yuan.

21st Century Business Herald quoted

data from YaHao Real Estate.

It indicated that central and state-owned enterprises

occupy the majority of Beijing ‘s commercial land.

In 2012, state-owned enterprises made

8 of the top 10 real estate sales in Beijing.

Xie Tian, Professor of the School of Business, University

of South Carolina Aiken: “The executives of these state

owned real estates are appointed by the government.

They share mutual interests, to take

advantage, and to supply each other.

State-owned enteprises are a monopolising

tool for the Communist regime to use.”

Xie Tian indicates that the Chinese Communist

Party is the culprit of rising property prices.

Officials enjoy profit through corruption, and property

developers are also in the chains of the profit ring.

In fact, on top of the regime legislation to rein in

prices, local governments also have their own policies.

Beijing, for instance, issued 15 rules, but real

estate prices kept rising for more than 20 months.

In October, 69 out of 70 cities had

price increases in new housing.

21 cities rose more than 10% in

comparison to the same time last year.

Prices in first-tier cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai,

Shenzhen and Guangzhou rose more than 20 percent.

This is in comparsion to last year. Wenzhou

is the only city that had a drop in land prices.

Xie Tian: “The CCP has no desire to drive prices down.

The regime knows very clearly that the real estate

market, as well as the stock market, is the best

mechanism to take assets from the Chinese people.”

Xie Tian says that the CCP is actually

anxious to raise real estate prices.

It not only raises GDP, but also

creates the illusion of prosperity.

Local governments also get to praise its

own performance, to cover up corruption.

Xie Tian indicates that should the CCP regulate

the market and corrupt officials, real estate will

collapse, along with the collapse of property

developers, and the state-owned enterprises.

What will follow could be the collapse of

current Chinese society and the CCP system.

Therefore, the CCP will not regulate it, and

property prices will only get higher and higher.
