【禁聞】金融危機逼近 央行三天放水590億




上週, 銀行間市場呈現資金價格也呈現出快速上升趨勢。以7天質押式回購為例,利率從週二的3.5989%,連續升值到週五的5.4470%高位。

同樣呈現緊張的還有債市的資金面,進入今年10月以來,10年期國債收益率一反常態迅速攀升,11月18號,10年國債中債參考估值為4.6619%,已經創出了2005年3月以來的新高。 20號,收益率攀升至4.7%,再次創出新高。












採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

China’s Central Bank Faces Financial Crisis

China’s Central Bank is trying to carry out reverse repo

operations, and net investment reaches 59 billion yuan.

Financial professionals believe large scale reverse repurchase

helps to stabilize fluctuations in the market and prevent panic

from spreading within the market.

However, experts point out that China’s financial crisis is


By pouring in more money during rising inflation it will

lead to higher inflation and more complaints from people.

On Nov. 19, the Central Bank has put in 35 billion yuan, and

two days later, restarted two weeks of reverse repo operations, investing another 33 billion yuan.

Last week, it spent 9 billion in repo operations.

Altogether, the Central Bank has added 59 billion to the

market in three days.

Last week, the inter-bank money market showed a rapid rise.

For example, with seven days pledged repo, the interest rate

of 3.5989% on Tuesday rose to 5.4470% on Friday.

Meanwhile, tight bond funds also appeared from the start

of October this year.

10-year bond yields climbed rapidly to

4.6629%, a new high since March 2005.

On Nov.20, they climbed to 4.7%, another new high.

Mr. Zhheng, a financial consultant: “Banks, money markets,

and private enterprises are all short of money.

But our government wants to create a scene of prosperity to

attract foreign investment and capital from private sectors."

Lu Zhengwei, chief economist from X. Y. Bank told a

Financial Network reporter that reversing towards a sustained

recovery is not yet here.

On Nov. 9, the National Bureau of Statistics announced that

according to the economic data of October, the CPI (consumer

price index) broke a warning line, hitting a 8-month high, and

fresh vegetables rose by 31.5%, indicating a serious inflation.

Xie Tian, professor, university of South Carolina Aiken

School of Business: “For banks, lack of funds and rising

bad debt increase likelihood of bankruptcy.

The government has no other option but to add more money.

It can be expected to see inflation accelerate further.

If it continues to add money under severe inflation,

it will be a suicidal act."

Currently, the appreciation of RMB against the U.S. dollar

is only unilateral.

According to statistics, in the past eight years, central parity

of RMB against the U.S. dollar has appreciated by 34%.

RMB, in nominal and effective exchange rate, has appreciated

29% and 38%.

Research shows that every 1% appreciation of RMB causes

profit margins to decline 3.19%, 2.27% and 6.18% in cotton,

wool textiles and apparel industry respectively.

RBM appreciation causes greater negative impact on exports

and corporate profits.

Short-term rapid appreciation of RMB leads to fear of taking

contracts and results in further shrinkage of profit margins.

Small and medium enterprises are seriously

impacted by it.

Chinese economist and investment consultant

Zheng Zhiyao told NTD that the Chinese government

has intervened too much in the past several years,

causing economic and monetary risks to gradually intensify.

Mr. Zheng: “The stock market is like a barometer,

and from it we can see a country’s real economy.

In our [China’s] stock market, can’t you see,

it all relies on China concepts stocks, news and policies.

The excess capacity is very severe.

The greater the iron and steel deficit,

the more they produce.

The more they produce, the greater the deficit.

What happen if they don’t produce? It will bankrupt.

As a result, many problems have appeared in banking sectors."

On Nov. 17, Zou Pingzuo, chief researcher at People’s

Bank of China, says China’s financial structure

is constantly worsening, and a triple crisis is approaching.

He says that the possibility of financial risk is not

reflected in the overall volume.

The biggest crisis is hidden in the structure and the system.

Mr. Zheng: “Our economic bubble, real estate bubble and

hidden economic crisis are just around next corner.

Meanwhile, corruption has affected the foundation.

On top of it, environmental pollution of the air, water and soil

are all worsening.

What can we do?! We’ve been forced into a dead end."

On Nov. 20, Fang Xinghai, inspector for

the Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs

attended the 2014 Caijing Annual Conference.

Fang said that the current four major risks in the

financial market will likely cause bankruptcy to medium and

small sized banks and financial institutions.

The four crises manifested in a liquidity risk, interest rate risk,

asset quality risk and risks brought by trust management,

entrusted loans and products from shadow banks.

All such risks fall upon banks, and may trigger

small and medium banks to go bankrupt in the end.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu
