【禁聞】存款不安全 銀行破產風險轉嫁百姓











9月3號,國際著名評級機構「標準普爾(Standard & Poor’s)」,就《中國50大銀行報告》進行解讀,「標普」認為,中國的中小金融機構,將在即將面臨的三大風險中,先行破產。三大風險包括出口、產能過剩、和地方債。



今年初,國際資本機構就中共地方債務風險以及銀行表外貸款的風險,不斷發出警告﹔《經濟學人》雜誌刊登一篇〈 尋找下一個雷曼兄弟 〉的文章,暗喻大陸正成為下一個雷曼兄弟。原因是,大陸自2008年以來,債務爆炸增長。據估計,大陸債務佔GDP比重已經超過200%。





採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

China’s Issuing Deposit Insurance May Put the Public at Risk

“Are you still keeping a bank deposit?

It might not be safe any more!"

Reports of China’s central bank launching a bank-deposit

insurance system has many Chinese saying these words lately.

With this system, depositors won’t totally lose all their deposits

should the bank fail.

This shows having bank savings in China is no longer secure.

Ma Delun, former vice-chair of the People’s Bank of China,

revealed recently in a financial forum that

a bank deposit insurance system proposed by the central bank

is ready to be launched.

With a bank deposit insurance system,

the bank pays with a certain proportion of the standard

to receive financial assistance when the bank is facing risks

or bankruptcy.

Under the system, depositors will be able to retrieve

some of their savings should the bank fail.

Over the years, China’s government and central bank

have provided invisible guarantees to deposits.

The Chinese banks have been paying the central bank

in the range of 16.5% to 20% for deposit reserve.

The government generally assist the depositors and

the failing banks.

Take the Hainan Development Bank as an example,

the bank closed in 1998 over debt problems.

The central bank relayed its debt to the Industrial and

Commercial Bank of China to pay back the savings

and interest to Hainan Development Bank depositors.

Why is a bank deposit insurance system needed

on top of this deposit reserve?

Experts say these are signs showing

the Chinese Communist regime is not willing to cover the loss,

realizing mainland China’s financial system is collapsing.

Financial analyst Ren Zhongdao: “It is shifting the risk.

The bank has to pay 20 dollars to the central bank for

every 100 dollar deposit as a reserve.

It is equivalent to a kind of deposit insurance.

With the new bank deposit insurance,

the government is saying it’s no longer covering the risk. “

There are 16 listed banks with increasing

non-performing loans this year.

The total non-performing loans have amounted

to 440 billion yuan ($72 billion), which is nearly a 40 billion

yuan ($6.5 billion) increase compared to late last year.

According to a study by Standard & Poor’s on Sept. 3,

out of China’s top 50 Banks, small and medium banks

are highly exposed to the three major crises in the areas of

export, oversupply and local government debt.

In the event of crisis, these banks will go bankrupt first.

Many financial commentators have also pointed out

that the banks in China are highly vulnerable.

The tight relations with off-budget local debts

have created countless bad debts on one hand,

and the unrestricted bank loans due to

excessive money printing on the other.

Ren Zhongdao: “Unrestricted loans have created a huge risk

because of too much bad debt.

The money shortage was thus created.

The Communist bigwigs such as the princelings

have also participated to share the pie.

The whole financial system is extremely fragile."

Earlier this year, international finance institutions

have warned China of the risks of high local debts and

interbank borrowings.

The Economist published the article, Where’s the next Lehman,

inferring that China is the next big bankruptcy case.

The reason is that credit growth in China

is estimated to be over 200% of its GDP.

Financial analyst Ren Zhongdao says that a financial tsunami

is inevitable once the Chinese banking systems collapse.

It will pose direct impact on the Chinese Communist regime.

The regime has realized the current crisis is unsolvable

and thus is shifting the risk to the people.

Ren Zhongdao: “The Communist authorities can no longer

handle the domestic financial crisis.

Its credibility and financial organs can no longer resolve it.

The central bank is issuing this bank-deposit insurance

to deceive the public while shifting the crisis onto the people."

The coming bank deposit insurance may have a limit

of 500,000 yuan ($82,000), meaning people

can get compensation of 500,000 yuan at most.

Chinese people lament, saying:

The more you save in the bank, the riskier it is!

Interview Edit / Zhang Tianyu Post-production /
