【禁聞】中共嚇唬百姓 「敵對勢力」是利器


















採訪編輯/ 李韻 後製/李勇

“Hostile forces" Used as a Weapon to Threaten Chinese People

China’s Peoples Liberation Army (PLA)

Daily published a report on September 18.

It stated that “ideology is what hostile forces

have always employed to achieve the

conspiracy to westernize and split our country."

Two days earlier, a party periodical, called Qiushi

also published an article to antagonize hostile forces.

Our experts analyzed that worldly public

are enemies in the eyes of the regime.

The regime uses the idea of hostile forces

as a tool to threaten the Chinese people.

PLA Daily reported on September 18 that in order to

disturb a society and subvert a government, hostile forces

often start with an ideology which confuses the mind.

On September 16, a party periodical, called

Qiushi, stated, “we will not allow hostile forces

to 'defeat China' through the use of the internet."

On its website, it also emphasized that, “the Party

knows who the hostile forces are in the countryside."

Liu Yinquan, Chinese historian: “This is the Communist

regime’s tactic, in order to maintain one-party autocracy.

It antagonizes those who are

oppressed and exploited by officials."

Historian Liu Yinquan indicates that the regime

would never develop a retrospective of its behavior.

It regards discontent towards it as those hostile forces.

Jing Chu, Chinese internet writer: “It’s not

surprising in the eyes of the Communist

regime that everyone in the world is an enemy.

Its authoritarianism has unprecedentedly

ignored human rights to the extreme.

The whole nation has regarded it as the rat.

It has set itself up as the enemy of the public."

A scandal involving Shanghai court officials, including four

judges soliciting prostitutes, was recently exposed online.

Shanghai High Court interim director Cui Yadong said that

the hostile forces have taken advantage of the scandal.

Xu Qiliang, Central Military Commission Vice Chairman, also

stressed the importance of occupying a new battle ground.

The battleground is the internet, and it needs resistance

against infiltration and damage from hostile forces.

According to state-controlled media, hostile

forces exist in the nation, military, rural areas,

on the internet, in Hong Kong, and overseas.

On the largest Chinese search engine Baidu, there are

as many as 5.62 million articles mentioning hostile forces.

Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional

scholar: “This is the ruling party.

Any irresolvable problem is treated as a hostile force.

It has never changed during its decades of ruling."

Who are the hostile forces to the regime?

Wang Beiji, commentator: “Those who feel the

obligation to the future of China are the hostile forces.

They are the enemies and the opponents.

They are the ones who are watching closely.

They are mad, and are disgusted at the regime.

They expose the facts and criticize the regime."

In the name of combating rumors, Chinese police

arrested more than a thousand internet users.

These netizens promoted democracy and constitutional

rule, and exposed corrupt officials in mid September.

Liu Yinquan: “They direct their flashlights at the people.

Rather than reflecting on themselves, they aggravate

the conflict between the authorities and the people.

In the end, people will have to

overthrow their power with force."

Commentator Wang Beiji said that for decades the

regime has committed too many heinous crimes.

The bloody debt is too high to be counted.

Wang Beiji: “To protect it’s brutal reign, the regime

has to deprive the right to think, speak and gather.

Anyone questioning or criticizing, even though it’s for the

good of China, is the enemy to the regime, to the party."

Massive protests continously take place in China.

It suggests conflict has reached a critical point.

Liu Yinquan believes hostile forces has not only become

a tool to suppress the Chinese regimes opponents.

It also helps to shift responsibility and divert

attention away from the regimes crimes.

Interview and Edit / Lee Yun post-production /Lee Yong
