






山東律師付永剛:「是制度化的問題,是大環境之下的問題,所以如果要是完全按照法律辦事,在中國,就是企業想要搞起來,幾乎可以說是天方夜譚, 總之,完全靠合法的去做,很難形成一個大的企業,一個發展有前景的企業。」












採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Chinese Communist Party Legal System Set Up To Convict

Chinese Business Owners To Getting Their Assets

If you have a business in China, then you must be

very careful not to be put in prison.

A recent media report summarizes “ten most

likely crimes” of Chinese entrepreneurs.

This shows what a complex legal environment

they have to face.

Hence comments that, for all Chinese business owners,

they are either in prison or on their way there.

The quiet execution of Hunan private entrepreneur Zeng

Chengjie, has shocked China’s whole business circle.

Three months after being arrested, Zeng’s company assets

were forcibly seized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Zeng’s company was finally appraised at a value of 330 million,

greatly reduced from the previous value of 2.38 billion.

Then it was sold to an affiliated state-owned company

of Hunan provincial government at the deflated price.

However, the key assets evaluation report has never

been open to the public.

President of Jingheng Lawyer Group,

Chen Youxi told media that,

following the logic of the CCP current legal system and

its charges, every Chinese entrepreneur is guilty.

If your business is 5 to 10 years old, they can easily sentence

you to death by cooking up at least five charges against you.

All your assets can be removed in minutes if public security,

courts and judicial systems work together to do that.

Recently, some media summarized a “top ten list

of charges” against Chinese entrepreneurs.

They are: falsely reporting registered capital.

Second, false capital contribution.

Third, surreptitiously withdrawing contributed capital.

Fourth, rebating and selling government-owned property at

a lower price. Fifth, unauthorized partition of state property.

Sixth, fraudulent fund raising. Seventh, illegally absorbing

public savings. Eighth, relenting at high interest rates.

Ninth, false bankruptcy. Tenth, illegal business operation.

Fu Yonggang, Shandong lawyer: ”The problem lies in

the whole regime, or the environment.

If completely following China’s law, it would be

impossible for any company to prosper.

In a word, it is very difficult to develop into a big

or promising business only through legal operations.”

A comment from economists says that, in China

any economic issue is also a political issue.

Sun Dawu, Supervisor Board Chairman of Dawu Group:

”Without doubt, many people have no sense of security.

This is quite normal not only in business circles.

Every field or industry has the same uncertainty about their

future; the rules of our current law system show no justice.”

In 2003, Sun Dawu was arrested by

the CCP for “illegal fund raising”.

They claimed that Sun had illegally collected 180

million Yuan from over 3000 households in the country.

Sun Dawu: ”At that time I was sentenced to three year

imprisonment with a reprieve.

After that in the fourth year I was no longer able to

be business representative or board chairman.”

After being released, Sun Dawu worried that his young son

might also be subject to fabricated charges and so became

unwilling for him to succeed as the company owner.

Finally Sun decided to follow the Three Departments and

Six Ministries system of Dynasty Sui, and the Constitutional

Monarchy of the British government.

He created a constitutional system of

“separation of powers” for his private company.

Sun Dawu: ”My son still cannot operate the

whole business. So then I created such a system.

In that system we run democratic elections for board

chairman and executive manager.”

Sun’s “Constitutionalism of private company operation” is

democracy in election, supervision, decisions, management.

His “separation of powers” refers to Board of Management,

Director and Supervisor.

The three boards have powers in management,

decisions and proprietorship, respectively.

To survive in China, entrepreneurs have to

find their own ways.

Sun Dawu believes democracy allows both sponsors

and workers to speak for themselves.

It is a regime of republicanism between labor and capital,

as well as the embodiment of a value system.

Sun Dawu’s assistant: ”Then we had to

solve many problems.

Such a system may limit growth of our company,

but it also ensures its stability.

As commented by many media reports,

Sun Dawu is not running a company.

His idea is to run a social system in the form of business.”

A Chinese media report also comments that, all Chinese

business owners are on their way into prison.

According to their “ten most likely crimes” list.

Chinese netizens show strong consent with the report,

saying that

over 90% private company owners have had those crimes

on their shoulder since the very first day of their business.

Entrepreneurs are simply offering themselves to the CCP.

You will be either put into prison or deprived of

all assets whenever one they wish to do.
