【禁聞】江澤民向習近平「求饒」 何居心?














《大紀元時報》曾披露,以江澤民為首的流氓集團,為了掩蓋十多年來對法輪功學員,包括活摘器官在內的殘酷迫害真相,並繼續維持迫害政策,江澤民、曾慶紅、周永 康、薄熙來等曾密謀,先在「十八大」奪取政法委位置,然後,再鞏固武警部隊的武裝力量、以及鞏固輿論、和拋出所謂的「重慶模式」等,等各方面成熟後,他們計劃廢黜和逮捕習近平。



採訪編輯/常春 後製/王明宇

Did Jiang Zemin Beg for Xi Jinping’s Mercy?

Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader invited Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary

of State and his family for dinner earlier in July. However, uncharacteristically, this was not

reported by CCP state controlled media.

It was released by the Foreign Ministry

on July 19, through informants.

Jiang also specifically praised

the current leader Xi Jinping. Some analysts believe that Jiang is

begging for mercy from Xi Jinping.

Our experts analyze these events.

All major CCP state media reported messages from

the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July 22.

It claimed that Jiang Zemin had dinner with

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State.

This took place in a Shanghai suburbs hotel on July 3.

The Chinese Foreign Affairs website

rarely quotes words from inside sources.

It described the meeting to be

family-like, with good manners.

The conversation was said to

be very relaxed and sincere. Jiang also deliberately praised Xi in front of Kissinger,

describing him as a competent and wise leader.

Xing Tianxing: “He wanted to achieve certain

goal, that is to confuse the Chinese people.

It was to try to portray that no gap exists

between the new and old leadership.

It actually conceals the fierce power struggles within the CCP.

No matter how fierce the internal struggles are, the

CCP always claims to have one mind at all levels.”

Du Daobin, Hubei Internet writer: “A retired General

Secretary and former CCP President, should retire. But he constantly shows up in the one-party system, indicating he is still operating his own political power."

Wang Dongcheng, Beijing netizen: “Kissinger, in

the minds of the American people, is a politician.

He has no ethics, nor principles, so how

could he turn out to be a guest in China?”

Xing Tianxing, commentator: “Kissinger himself has not the slightest influence in the West in politics.

Neither does he have influence in the economic field. The

CCP always thought Kissinger was influential in the West."

Lin Zixu, commentator: “Jiang Zemin

is a pioneering sycophant.

He is also well-known to be domineering

over lower levels of the Party.

It is not easy at all for such a person as Jiang

to be complementary to Xi Jinping publicly.”

What was the reason for Jiang’s words?

Lin Zixu: “The only explanation behind this report is

that of Jiang Zemin’s downfall in the power infighting. No matter whether he is active or passive,

Jiang had to put on an honest face. He had to show apparent unity within the CCP to

outsiders, and in effect begged for Xi Jinping’s mercy.”

Xing Tianxing: “Actually, Jiang tried to utilize this as a way to cover up his role behind Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang. That is, it was Jiang who designated them to take

down Xi Jinping, so he is trying to refute this rumor.”

Wang Lijun, the former director of Chongqing Municipal Police Department, and assistant to Bo Xilai’s attacks on triads,

fled to the US Consulate in February 2012 to seek

political asylum, and took with him secret documents.

Soon after, U.S. media exposed Bo Xilai’s military

coup, planned with Zhou Yongkang, former secretary

Central Committee of CCP Political and Law Committee.

The plan was to let Xi Jinping fail

in succession, and to replace him.

The Epoch Times has uncovered this rogue group.

It is headed by Jiang Zemin, and aims to try to

cover up the continuing persecution of Falun Gong,

including the practice of live organ harvesting.

Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang and

Bo Xilai had conspired to first seize power in the

Politics and Law Committee during the 18th NPC.

They would then consolidate the armed forces, public

opinion, and unfold the so-called ‘Chongqing model’.

When this was in place, they planned

to depose and arrest Xi Jinping.

Lin Zixu: “The struggles within the CCP are life and death, especially Jiang Zemin’s participated in organ harvesting. Xi won’t be so stupid as to appease Jiang, and finally

may make a scapegoat of him. Jiang also knows it.”

According to overseas media reports, Hu Jintao

suffered at least three assassination attempts.

These were both connected with Jiang Zemin.

In the two assassinations, Hu Jintao

was almost drowned in the Yellow Sea.

The second was in Shanghai’s western

suburbs, in an underground hotel garage,

where powerful explosives were found.

Hong Kong media alleged that

Shanghai is the den for Jiang. The explosives could have been placed

there by Jiang’s diehard followers.
