【禁聞】茅于軾杭州演講 恐再遭毛左攪局



6月22號,杭州將舉行「2013年開元廣場高峰經濟論壇」。被譽為中國大陸民間「經濟學第一人」的自由派學者茅于軾,受邀擔任主講嘉賓。 6月9號,主辦方在杭州《蕭山日報》上刊登了演講廣告,卻引起一些毛左在網絡上謾罵,並策划動員毛左前往現場攪局。毛左們還打電話到《蕭山日報》報社和主辦方「開元廣場」,要求取消茅于軾的演講。



大陸經濟學家 茅于軾:「我恐怕不去了。」






近年來,隨著民眾的覺醒,中國大陸出現了批毛批共的熱潮。越來越多的人站出來,公開揭批中共和毛澤東的罪惡。 2011年,茅于軾發表文章《把毛澤東還原成人》,他認為毛澤東冷酷無情、沒有起碼的人性。文章指出,毛澤東為手中權力大搞階級鬥爭,死人無數在所不惜。文革期間,人禍導致的三年大饑荒,造成幾千萬人被餓死。



大陸資深媒體人、前《新華社》記者 高瑜:「現在這個社會氛圍就助長毛左興風作浪,而且他們可以違法。因為現在(中共)就是要把毛澤東個人和思想又提高到國家的高度。」


大陸作家 王藏:「這是背後的、左的這種力量去縱容、去驅使他們這麼做的。源頭還在中央這裡,源頭還在共產極權專制、還在官僚權貴、既得利益者。」


採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/黎安安

China’s Maoist Leftists Overtly Sabotage Mao Yushi Speech

China’s prominent economist, Mao Yushi,

has recently encountered Maoism leftist

sabotage during his public speeches in China.

The Maoists have wrote abuse on the internet, announcing

they will sabotage Mao Yushi’s forthcoming speech.

Scholars indicate that the Maoist’s aggression

has much with complexities at the top-levels

within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Let’s see the details.

Media reported that a Summit Economic

Forum will be held on June 22, in Hangzhou.

Mao Yushi, a renowned liberal economist

in China, has been invited to give a speech.

On June 9, the forum organizer

advertised the event on a local newspaper.

The ads have incited abuse from the Maoism leftists,

who have claimed they will sabotage the speech.

The leftists even criticized the newspaper and the forum

organizer, asking them to cancel Mao Yushi’s speech.

Our NTD reporter contacted

Mao Yushi to inquire about the news.

Reporter: “So have you decided

whether or not to give the speech?"

Mao Yushi: “I’m afraid I can’t give the speech."

Reporter: “Why?”

Mao Yushi: “In order to avoid a large clash."

Mao Yushi says the actions of the Maoist leftists’are likely

linked to the CCP authorities’overt support of Mao Zedong.

Mao Yushi: “They use Mao Zedong to

justify the legitimacy of their political rule.

But it is, in fact, completely wrong."

From 1935 to 1976, Mao Zedong was the real CCP czar.

During this period, the CCP launched several successive

political movements, and engaged in class struggles.

These political actions claimed

tens of millions of citizens lives.

Furthermore, the CCP’s 10-year Cultural Revolution

completely destroyed Chinese traditional culture.

In recent years, with the awakening of the Chinese people,

China has seen waves of criticism towards Mao Zedong.

More and more people have exposed the crimes

committed by the CCP under Mao Zedong’s rule.

In 2011, Mao Yushi published an article,

revealing Mao Zedong’s inhumanity.

The article stated that Mao Zedong vigorously carried

out class struggles, causing innumerable deaths.

Under Mao’s reign, there was a three-year man-made

famine, where tens of millions of people staved to death.

Since then, the Maoism leftists have considered

Mao Yushi an annoyance, openly abusing him.

Recently, they have become more aggressive.

In April, at an economic forum held in Shenyang,

the Maoism leftists disrupted Mao Yushi』s lecture.

In May, they again made trouble at

Mao Yushi’s speeches in Changsha.

The act of vandalism forced the organizers

to temporarily relocate the speech venue.

Media veteran Gao Yu comments that the CCP

are very sensitive toward mass gatherings.

However, the regime has disregarded

the Maoist leftists’illegal activities.

Gao Yu: “Currently, the social climate in China

encourages the Maoist leftists to make waves.

This is even if these actions are illegal.

The CCP is now making Mao Zedong and Mao’s

thought to be the states ideology, once again."

In mid-May, an internal “No. 9 Document"issued

by the CCP central authorities was exposed.

The bulletin discussed the current ideological situation.

It showed that the CCP feels it is beset with crises,

and is trying eagerly to reinforce ideological control.

Accordingly, the Maoist leftists’ vibrant

presence are in line with CCP central policies.

Wang Zang, Writer, China: “They were

supported by leftist forces behind the scenes.

The source is actually within the CCP’s central committee.

They are the communist totalitarians,

as well as the privileged CCP ruling elite."

Wang Zang reminded the Maoist leftists

to discern the international trends.

They need to discern the reality that the Chinese people

have increasingly been awakened by the internet.

Wang Zang warned that these Maoists should end their

words and actions, which are against the law and humanity.

Otherwise, they will definitely be

brought to justice in the future.
