【禁聞】奧習言歡作秀 中美戰略走向衝突






歐巴馬和習近平都公開表示,希望建立夥伴關係,但美國國家安全顧問湯姆•多尼隆(Tom Donilon)警告說,來自中共的威脅,可能會對這種合作的精神構成制約。











採訪編輯秦雪 後製李月

While Obama and Xi Put on a Show, China and the US make Strategic Moves

Jinping finished a two-day informal meeting last Saturday.

Although they moved a step forward on pressuring

North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and addressing climate change,

there are serious differences in other controversial issues

such as recent cyber attacks.

Experts analyzed that superficially

Xi and Obama had a happy discussion,

but the two countries’ fundamental strategic and

policy guidelines are moving toward conflict.

Den Yuwen, deputy editor of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Central Party School’s Study Times says

U.S. and Chinese leaders both showed courtesy,

as the discussions have no solid results.

Den Yuwen, deputy editor at the CCP Central Party School:

“So far, the talk between the two leaders seems more superficial than practical.

They mainly wanted to establish a personal relationship,

to get to know each other’s governing style,

and confirm future development principles of

the two nations.”

The New York Times reported on the recent

controversial issue of accusations that

Chinese corporations have stolen U.S. military and

economic property and secrets in cyberspace.

These Chinese companies are known to

have connections with China’s military.

The article says this topic dominated the presidents’ meeting,

but officials on either side were unable to reach a consensus,

and the meeting concluded without Xi’s

explicitly admitting the allegations.

Obama and Xi Jinping have publicly expressed the

hope to build a partnership.

But the U.S. National Security Adviser Tom Donilon

warned that threats from the CCP might pose constraints to the spirit of cooperation.

Donilon said Obama warned that if the hacking continued,

it would be a “difficult problem in the economic relationship."

New York City University political science professor Xia Ming:

“It should be said that U.S.-Sino relations are deteriorating.

Not only on the level of leaders,

but also in the greater the economic sphere,

as well as the mutual understanding among people.

The mutual goodwill is deteriorating.

I think U.S. think-tanks also hope U.S.-Sino relations

will make some progress this time. And in particular, that relations can be established

based on ideals, foresightedness and openness.

Such results were clearly not achieved."

Xia says the meeting between the two leaders

was just an introductory meeting.

Facing intensifying conflicts, the two leaders

put up a show just for public relations needs.

Professor Xia Ming: “Different leaders can create a more

positive atmosphere, or some agreement on a personal level.

I think in the U.S. and China’s major strategic, situational

and fundamental policies are moving towards conflict."

Xia believes the CCP government’s tightening up

and strengthening of authoritarian rule in China

will only intensify the U.S.’ criticism on China.

Xia Ming: “We can see that China’s domestic

human rights situation is deteriorating.

The ideology of high-level CCP leadership

fully abandons comprehensive universal values,

holds hostile attitudes toward civil societies, and attacks

the democratic institutions and constitutional system.

I think this is an attack on American values

and founding principles.

This also leads many Americans

to be disgusted by the CCP."

On Friday night, Obama and Xi Jinping held

long talks on the issue of North Korea.

Donilon said “They agreed that North Korea

has to denuclearize;

that neither country will accept North Korea

as a nuclear-armed state.”

The U.S. and China will work together to put pressure

on Pyongyang to achieve this goal.

Deng Yuwen believes that if U.S. and China can agree

to have a consistent attitude towards North Korea,

it would for sure help resolve the issue.

In his view, since Xi’s gaining power, the stance of the U.S.

and China on North Korea are clearly closer than in the past.

Den Yuwen: “Change is a process.

It’s impossible to make a complete change all at once.

But relatively speaking, [China] is taking a more serious

stance on North Korea than before.

While China is trying to use the denuclearization

to show it’s position, it’s also a practical issue for them.”

According to New York Times, U.S. officials say Xi is slowly

losing patience with its long-term friend – North Korea.

This has increased hope that the U.S. government to

launch a new co-operation with China.
